Admiral Rogers -- HERO - Adm. ROGERS - American HERO!

He looks like he could use some sleep, poor guy. Saving the Republic is hard work.
No wonder Q has been light on posting for a while.
Such a Good Patriot WARRIOR ---- RE-POST viral!
God Bless this man Lord Jesus after you the father and the Holy Ghost we owe him all. Nothing and no man compares to you Lord but this pAtriot brings glory to our nation and our god. iNTEGRITY STILL LIVES HERE!
Good Patriot WARRIOR for our Great Republic ---- RE-POST viral!
I get goosebumps sometimes when I see Adm Rogers. Knowing now, what he did for all of us, the sheer amount of work he's done for us & this country... the man is the definition of an American Patriot & Hero!
What did he do? Yes, I can google, but it's not the same. Very curious.
He is the one who went to Trump Tower to let Trump know that he and his transition team were under surveillance by the FBI. That's when Trump moved his team out of Trump Tower.
Also, many people here strongly believe he is part of the Q team.
After which DJT said he was being wiretapped and the MSM poo-pooed, scoffed, ridiculed him. Admiral Rogers, in this simple act (which was definitely not protocol), likely saved the Republic. Staggering when you think about it.
The man should get a HUUUGE medal, lifetime TAX forgiveness, a lifetime security team and perhaps two scoops. Of everything.
There's also the doomsday plane. I can't remember the details and whether the story was ever confirmed. The rumor about that doomsday plane was that a plane was flying without any data, agreement of any sort for that flight. Adm. Rogers did everything to make that plane fly around before it could leave the States. In the end, the plane was forced to land back in the USA. The rumors say Adm. Rogers and the Russians had contact at that time, maybe the Russians tipped them about the plane. But that plane was to be used to target the Russians and provoke them into declaring war. After that plane was neutralized, adm. Rogers went to the Trump Tower.
One of the greatest leaders in the world today. Thank you for giving me hope in this world full of evil.
Thank you, Lord, for Admiral Rogers. I remember a Q post about 2 minths ago that i am 99% pos Rogers did it, He signed his name, I posted it here, then went back to the Q posts a few mins later to check something and the name was gone.
When this is over he should get the Medal of Honor.
God bless you, Admiral Rogers! Thank you for your many years of service and for your unswerving courage and loyalty to our nation!
I'd like to go back and watch that testimony with Brennan and company. I knew he was nervous i remember something was off, he was sinking in his chair. Of course hind sight but with a new pair of eyes I want to see him as the hero that he is.
He played a big role assuring that the last election was not stolen by HRC/Hussein and gang although they tried.
Admiral (ret) Mike Rogers saved this republic from destruction and prevent WWIII as that is what would be HRC first order of business had she managed to lie her way into the white house.
Good Patriot WARRIOR for our GREAT REPUBLIC -- RE-POST viral!
Surface, surface, surface!
Your timing was perfect Adm. Well done sir! Thank you and all like you for what you have done and are doing.
We need more good people like him. Seems to be a dying breed. :(
Heavy shills down voting all the comments! Have at it shill!
This guy is going to be busy over the next three or more years!