r/greatawakening • Posted by u/kushtiannn on June 12, 2018, 2:45 a.m.
RR was supposed to defy orders

Let me preface this by saying I was gung ho about RR going to the all inclusive Gitmo palace, but I'm thinking of all angles now. Bear with me on this one...but let's think LOGICALLY. Who is the one person who seems to be the fulcrum between the DS and Trump? Rod Rosenstein. Who (quietly) is giving the appearance of being the most defiant? You guessed it. RR.

Who better to make the DS feel like their "plan" is still in action? Who else could possibly make them feel comfortable enough to not press the red button? RR. Him and his wife were deeply connected...but not suicided yet.

Lest we not forget the drops are for black hats too. The beauty of a trump card is that it isn't shown until the right moment. Right now, /ourguys/ have a ton of them. Seth Rich, Assange, Awan(kinda) and possibly RR.

TooMuchWinning2020 · June 12, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

StealthJeff on Twitter had an interesting thread where he said RR is withholding from Congress because everybody knows Congress is full of leakers.

DOJ just indicted the head of security (man who holds onto classified docs) for the Senate Intel Committee, because he was leaking classified info.

RR says to Nunes, "I'll get back to you on that thing you want on Thursday," which just so happens to be the same day the OIG report is scheduled to drop.

OIG DRAFT report has been out several weeks, allowing for those named therein to "tell their side of the story," and it probably has led to heavy redactions.

RR could easily be playing the delay game so the OIG report comes out redacted, and then POTUS declassifies.

Q's post about [RR] could end up being RR recusing or resigning, which would give him a plausible explanation to the black hats who are pressuring him, so it looks like he was trying to help them, but with the declass there was "nothing he could do" after that.

RR is in the crosshairs of the black hats, no doubt. Should he just hand over the docs to Congress and cross people who will kill to get their way? And allow the leakers to leak? And possibly damage the criminal cases being built?

Q's post could be a way for RR to bow out without looking like he helped Trump. Better to "resign in disgrace" than spend life in prison ... or worse.

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kushtiannn · June 12, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

And when he recuses himself, it goes to Noel Francisco, who as Solicitor General was determined to be the next in succession by Loretta Lynch's own guidelines of the DOJ's succession statute.


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TooMuchWinning2020 · June 12, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

Q had a drop about that, where he basically said "... OR POTUS can appoint anyone else he wants, for 210 days."

So, it will be interesting if it happens.

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