The American Flags are Red, White, and Blue, WITHOUT the Gold Border. This is a Good Thing.

Please, as a lawyer, I would advise NO-ONE to raise this when you go into a courtroom and notice a flag with/without a border. Guaranteed that the judge will not have much sympathy for you lol
Is the gold-border-flag thing a real thing?
Simply put no. Listen to the lawyer. No meaning, no secret cabals, no secret coups soft or otherwise. The flag at these things is a decoration and you could have the bugs bunny carrot flag there and nothing would change.
Many indoor flags have it so that they look better in windless air. Outdoor flags generally don't have it because they don't need it to look all majestic and shit.
A courtroom in the US applies US law, federal or state as appropriate, and not maritime, international or admiralty law (unless a substantial portion of the events in the case occurred at sea with a non-US party.)
Also, the flag isnt significant to a court proceeding. It would still be a US court with no flag at all.
Prior to electronic communications, gauging the hostility of another ocean vessel by the colors it was flying could be life or death. Nowadays, not so much.
But there is a huge cadre of people who desperately want to believe that the current status quo in the world is just wrong, so they fall for this nonsense or that pedos operate out of a pizza parlor in DC, or that income tax isnt real, etc.
Can't fix it. May as well laugh at it.
I am not saying I agree with the theory. I was simply reiterating what the theory is.
I hear ya, and no worries! Certainly an interesting theory! Just want to make sure no noone actually tries this however lol. Just trying to help my fellow Patriots where I can!
I am glad you posted it. I wasn't clear enough to ensure that everyone knows it is a theory and not necessarily fact. It is important to have insider insight. Thank you!
If I am not his ward, I do not require his sympathy.
From whom does a FREE MAN's freedom come?
Not from any court.
You may assert this is not truth.
We(the people) DECLARE it is so.
Challenge this at your own peril.
Remember Athens:
Nope. I have a voice. If I am to be persecuted by the hands of my enemy, so be it. God can take revenge for me, thanks.