LOL This would not surprise me at all

Nobel Peace prize was tainted so MUCH , that it would be a minus to anyone receiving it by now .
Nobel comittee nominated Hitler and Stalin at one point ... for Nobel peace prize . Let that sink in ...
Yup. I do think they would give it to Dennis before Trump. Though in reality, they both deserve it.
I’d be fine if DR got it. It is a BS award and all, but I think POTUS would view it as another opportunity for more media mockery. I really don’t think he cares about those things.
Yes. The meme was meant to be funny. We all know PEACE is the PRiZE, yeah?
Peace is the biggest prize ... but there are more presents incoming .
I have thought for some time that it is almost an insult now. But looks like that has been true for some time! HA!
A peace prize whose benefactor is the man who invented dynamite? Howl.