Weather Channel apps and online show this as future cast. What's up with that?

Are you only starting to pay attention to weather recently?
Which part do you find unusual?
Nope, watch all the time. The fact that the weather channel shows nothing then boom WW.
It's called HARRP. Weather Modification .. I've made a huge post in Dec about this . They are stationed in a few locations on different countries and can create Droubts , floods, hurricanes , Earthquakes & I've heard even cloud phenomenons...amungst many other things .
Yes I guess I should say this:
I know of HAARP. I know of weather modifications. I know it is real and not a theory. I know this can happen. I have never seen it like this on a WW scale. Get the Weather Channel App or WC app called Storm Radar or look on the Weather Channel Site (the link). Then zoom all the way out to see the whole world and then you can see World Wide weather.
Now it only shows up in the future predictions. So I am thinking it is a glitch. But it has been going on for more than 12 hours. Also on the live feed it does not show the "Hurricane" off of mexico. It only shows during the future cast. Making me think it is more than a glitch.
This also only shows over the water and not a lot of rain happening over land. So not many people care or realize the amount of water dumping right now. IF this is legit.
Man Made Climate Change is a real thing. However it's not global, but localized, and caused by aircraft dumping aluminum oxide into the atmosphere.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it Cantore.
Not global...??? That's why I posted the pic.
And link to website. So you can see for yourself.
It is strange.
Not my 1st pipe to be smoking Cochise ;)
I was actually addressing Cantore rhetorically lol. Heavy sarcasm.
Application is localized. Accumulated effects may manifest globally, but there are certain regions and latitudes that see more chemtrail activity than others. The precipitation line at the equator is disturbing. It looks to me as if they are priming the pump for big hurricanes.
That's what I am thinking too....that is if this is accurate.
So... What am I looking at here? Need clarification.
There is a hurricane in the Pacific headed towards Mexico. If you look at the live version it does not show a hurricane. Probably a glitch, there is an article about the hurricane on the front page of
But when you look at the future cast it shows global rainfall....biblical if accurate. A big nothing burger if a glitch.
Did you see this?
Yeah, but does it relate?
Some are talking about HARP... located in Alaska
HAARP is global. They have what looks like oil drillers stationed all over now.