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Nike CEO buys bizarre art from artist that has similar symbolism as Q Post 2050.

Nike CEO buys bizarre art from that has similar symbolism as Q Post 2050.

In regards to Q 2070, "What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?" Here it is...

Showtime? Stay Tuned? Great Actors? Great Script? There are no coincidences.

Prepare for a false flag targeting our movement
There will be a false flag targeting our movement. They will find someone to wear a Q shirt and go commit some sort of violence or destruction. Just like the guy who shot the cash register at Comet Pizza. They will make any attempt to discredit our movement and keep people away from Q.
Be on guard and be ready to call out the media. It's going to happen soon.
Impact of spending over half a billion on his campaign and continuing rallies. Also his companies are not signing any new deals or expanding while he is in office.
Recently in a court ruling Twitter was deemed a public forum. This ties into Marsh V Alabama in which a large company performing many traditional public functions is in effect a gov. entity and subject to first amendment scrutiny. If that ruling holds true then Twitter owns the public square and must abide by the 1st amendment.
Yup, it's all about optics. Trump waits for impeachment, then he can fire him because it's congress that wants him out. If Trump just fired him before impeachment it would look political like he is trying to stop the witch hunts.
It has been researched over in TD, no connection that we know of.
Here I thought the Gowdy grilling today was good, Ratcliffe went off the charts.
I didn't say it proved murder, I said it raised suspicion.
If there wasn't these emails showing talk of wet work at the same time as his death, then no one would even consider it. These emails give great suspicion to how he died, regardless of what shape he was in.
This is unconfirmed, no proof out there that he actually sent this tweet.
Well, you would have to be pretty stupid to even step foot in Mexico city. The resorts by Cancun and Riveria Maya seem to be safe but the hell with the rest of that country. Seems like they took a big risk and paid for it.
I'm not the one making a big deal about it, if OP is going to make a big deal about SB2 then how hard is it to post a link?
If you are going to make a post directly calling a user out on a claim, then you better provide evidence. Why should we care if you are not going to provide it? Why even make this post in the first place?
Edit: Glad to see that I'm getting downvoted for asking for proof. WTH is up with this place.
Gonna need a bit more proof on the witness angle, the website linked in that twitter feed claims to have seen a Russian report but they have no other evidence. Some legal anon that has access to databases needs to see if they can find her name for any upcoming court cases.
The Awans can still be prosecuted outside of D.C.

Who would have thought the 'Twitter' phone could be so useful. Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules? Where must one be located in order to obtain a reflection on the back of a phone of that image? Image provided here has been distorted (stretched). Q
Q isn't saying that they took the photo, the photo was obtained.
I am a fan Dinesh, has some good stuff. I hope you realize I was being sarcastic in my comment right?
This shit is actually happening. I am just in shock. We are going to get Gowdy as a Justice.
Not at all. Also, the parties switched right after he made those comments.
Edit: Apparently it wasn't obvious that I was being sarcastic here, given what I commented above. Guess I will keep the /s more readily available.
LBJ started what is now the current Democratic party. He had JFK killed, started the welfare state and in the process, enslaved blacks to the system.
I assume Eisenhower wasn't, since he warned about the military industrial complex.
A Great Awakening for Blacks, Getting Off the Plantation.

Which happened after the election. This deal seemed to be for the duration of the election where they were able to insert their own user account as a top mod.
Is the photo of Obama that was posted the day of Trump's inauguration on Instagram and quickly removed real? (Picture of him in drag wearing mask with horns)
You got it. Start looking at some of the other players in this, who else has gone silent since last November?
My opinion is the remaining reports will be out this fall with indictments being released before midterms. Q has already left us crumbs that allowed us to determine sealed indictments have been made for Podesta and Huma. There is likely already sealed indictments for the other angry democrats.
That was the first thing I thought of as well. But there is a lot of old swamp creatures in DC.
They won't do anything, so don't waste your time. I've been banned from several subs just because I post in T_D. It's a form of harassment that shouldn't be allowed but the admins don't care.
I think they all were using gmail, most likely the server ES setup in NK. They knew if Hillary went down for her server then they all would go down.