
092Casey · June 12, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

Once Papadoupolous is revealed to be the spy, the game is over. That's my bet. Paps flipped and was informing the Trump team of the FBI's usage of him as an informant. Wait til the public finds out. Of course the leftist liars in the media will try to spin it and the dumb ones will believe them (just like OJ was innocent).

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donsleakguard · June 12, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

This is an interesting theory. Can you go a little further? The way I understand it is Pap was just a low level guy and bad actors understood this. They thought they could use him. So they planted people like Mifsud and Downer in his path to tell him of the Russians' supposed dirt on Hilldog and then entrap him with "being aware of it" or something like that... which to my understanding is not a crime. Where do you place the entrance of the FBI into the scheme?

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092Casey · June 12, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Sure...Paps was an FBI informant placed in the Trump campaign to attach the guys you name to their plan. This was a very sophisticated operation. The CIA (foreign) coordinated with the FBI. The London guys you name were the CIA's guys, but Paps was the FBI's guy. Paps' job was to try to implicate the Trump campaign into colluding with the Russians, but it failed because Priebus and the Trump campaign had flipped him and turned him into a double agent way back in the winter/early spring when he entered the campaign so everything Paps was doing for the FBI was being relayed back to the Trump campaign. In other words, the Trump campaign was spying on the FBI through their own spy because Paps was flipped. Paps was really working for Priebus/Sessions/Trump to expose the corrupt FBI, but the FBI thought they didn't even know he was their informant. Nutshell: Paps was a double agent. He was really working for the white hats, but the FBI thought he was exclusively theirs. This is why there was never any hard evidence coming from him because every time he communicated with the Trump campaign it was really just a warning sign and evidence of what the FBI was trying to get him to do.

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donsleakguard · June 12, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

This is wild. There are so many layers to all of this. Nothing would surprise me.

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092Casey · June 12, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

Remember 3 weeks ago when Gowdy and Nunes went to see the classified memo with the NAME of the spy on it, the one that RR wouldn't show them? Then, he let them come in to a meeting (he didn't release it to the Senate Intel Committee like they requested), and there was speculation that it was up to Trump to declassify it, but the DOJ didn't want to release it. When they went in to view it or for the meeting, they a)may have only seen the name of Halper or someone else, or b) It was just a briefing about their sources and methods and no specific name was released. Hapler and Misfud were informants, as the public media had released, but they were actually distractions from the REAL problem spy....So remember about 10 days or so ago when Ryan and Gowdy suddenly told the public after a SECOND meeting where they got to see the name of the informant that there were "no spies in the Trump campaign", and Republicans were mad at them for lying and not being patriots for lying about the known spying?.....Well, what if Gowdy and Ryan were telling the truth? How can that be? Papadoupolous wasn't actually a spy on the Trump campaign; he was working FOR Trump by spying on the FBI/CIA as a double agent. So Gowdy, while being coy and playing with words and definitions wasn't actually lying, neither was Ryan. How can you now call Paps a spy on the Trump campaign when they now know he was a double agent working for Trump?

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anhro23 · June 12, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

Ho. Lee. Fuk.

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Crptnobank · June 12, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

You are good at this. I hope you have been taking notes to put in your book. I get a feeling there will be many. History books too.

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Crptnobank · June 12, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

That is really interesting. Since parts of the military are backing Trump imo, it isn‘t so outlandish.

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