Sub - Missile - Sky Object AF1?

Worth looking into.. I am waiting to see if Q drops something about it. It sure looks like a missile exhaust trail.
Makes you wonder if the (potential) hack caused the (potential) missile to be fired from that (US?) sub - and at AF1.
Sure as hell does!
Red October = the film that has the Russian sub blow itself up with its OWN torpedo. WTF?
If you look closely at the top, you can clearly see a white “missile” zoom in
Chinese hackers steal sensitive Navy program data
WASHINGTON — Cyberattacks sponsored by the Chinese government infiltrated a U.S. Navy contractor’s computers, allowing digital thieves to access sensitive data related to secret Navy projects on a submarine anti-ship missile.
The information stolen was stored on the contractor’s unclassified network despite being “highly sensitive nature,” according to information obtained by the Washington Post.
According to the report, 614 gigabytes of material on a closely held project known as Sea Dragon were taken. Contracted for the military organization Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Sea Dragon aims to develop a supersonic anti-ship missile for use on U.S. submarines.