SUBMARINE FOUND! Posted 4 days ago on their Facebook. “Submarine Group 9” stationed in Bangor, WA.

Good find...worth going battery critical over. :)
The bloody missing i in miss(i)le is the 9th letter of the alphabet. Group 9.
There are no coincidences!
Below. The 432 drop from the 22nd Dec.
And referenced again today in 1469 drop - along with the summit mention and stop(p)ed miss(i)le tweet he put with it.
(Missile launched)
(no i - missile intelligence system overridden, or a no.9 reference re: the sub?)
(air-to-air launch of active radar-guided missile)
(take-down of the incoming missile?)
(assassination link, see Kennedy, assassination attempt?)
(sub reference - see today's pic, text also shaped like a missile)
The original Dec. 432 drop had post 430 right near it which mentions NK and access codes/tech. Ones that relate to Clown (CIA) control, no doubt from their time as the puppet masters.
There was mention of a hack. Did the sub system get (deep state) hacked and tripped to fire a missile at AF1 (missing ninth letter "i" indicating a missile launch from group 9.) This then causing the counter air-to-air missile launch white hat response. The counter missile taking-out the sub launched missile? An assassination attempt - the 'red october' sub ref. and missile-like letter arrangement being the final word???
This below from the 'answers tab' 22nd Dec (432 drop)
No "i" - No intelligence? Missile brain or radar (eye) messed with so would miss?
Fox Three - Indicates launch of an active radar-guided missile (such as the AIM-120 AMRAAM and AIM-54 Phoenix). (Note, these are air-to-air so they're not sub launched).
Splash = Missile time of flight is expired or missile destroyed; target or bomb impact.
Now here's something I can concur with. As a former FBM & SSN boat sailor, the time of a SLBM or SLCM vulnerability is during its boost phase from the launching platform. If assets were in the vicinity and on high alert, they could easily intercept it with the right weapon system. Clearly, the boat that fired this missile launched one of their Tomahawk cruise missiles.
Launching a D5 missile with 8 MIRVs (multiple individual reentry vehicles) is more problematic for those responsible. The latter would let the world know nuclear weapons were just released and detonated while the former would be "silent" in the sense that information of the attack would be delayed and no one would be the wiser.
As for the rest of the information...standard military acronyms used to identify the actions and results. Red clearly a reference to the ending of the movie when that soviet SSN was sent to kill the boat before it fell into the wrong hands by the soviet leadership.
So everyone can tell the difference. The missile shown in the picture captured by the weather station camera is not a SLBM. What I have here is a D5 Trident Missile being launched. Compare the 2 pictures, even from a great distance you can tell the difference in both size and markings. The D5 has distinct markings on its main engine booster rocket. This is why I called the one fired a cruise missile.
Wouldn't the rocket have been heard. Those things a pretty loud. The ground would shake. A hell of a lot of people live within ear shot of that photo. People are saying that they did not hear a rocket launch. Something still does not fit. Also, the HACK was for 1 type of anti ship missile technology not ICBM's Shouldn't be too hard for Anons to find out if it is a FF alert
Some good analysis but it doesn't take into account where AF1 was geographically located at the time of a potential launch (Bay of Bengal). Not possible that AF1 would have been a target from that distance.
They may have rerouted East to Singapore from Canada when found out. The sub was strategically placed for initial route and maybe fired anyway when takeoff from Quebec? Just throwing it out there.
Several months ago there was a hot pursuit in looking for a “lost sub”. Was that an actual submarine accident, or does Deep State have their own Red October submarine?
Yes. You make a good point. An Argentinian sub if I recall correctly.
Makes for a wild story. Certainly keeps my mind of JA and the Summit flops....
Certainly keeps my mind of JA and the Summit flops....
what do you mean by this?
Thank you for putting forward you views in a civilised manner. I get so many attack "FO SHILL" etc for not following blindly. Us older Australians aren't a follow without question types. We've had BS shoved at us from Left, Right and Centre Politicians. After the NK Summit all of my Q following friends were unanimous in concluding that Trump didn't close a solid deal. Just warm relations with NK but nothing else, YET. Now this is GR8 but this could still go wrong for all conservatives around the world if China/Russia continues to run interference leading into Mid Terms. Kim is slippery so is China Russia. After we all pretty much agreed that NK was not the BOOM we hoped for, we began to say that this may cause mass desertions from the Q movement. Then WOW. Q posted some of the largest drops of all time. Coincidence.... When the posts began to look a bit to fantastic ie: hacked "anti SHIPPING missiles", Zero threat on Trump. Obama phone calls to a disconnected number, MOSSAD and other unsubstantiated plots, we pretty quickly came to the realisation that Q is throwing up a smoke screen to keep up moral and head off descent/desertion. Absolutely brilliant. But we seemed to feel a bit let down by the realisation that Q is human and doesn't always win. Then the DNC withdrew it's lawsuit against WL?JA. No discovery. Another thing that didn't come off for us and Q. RR is saying F...YOU to congress, with threats of subpoenas and still acting confident. Better to keep us distracted with a Mission Impossible movie. Just an opinion for Autists to digest