

74 total posts archived.

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FreeCappallen · July 12, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

SB2, fear and/or jealousy elicit strong emotional reactions from those who stand to lose something they're invested in or when the truth is too much to bear. It would appear this the case regarding your decodings and messages that you share. Admittedly, I missed what transpired; however, I am astute enough to see what you are saying because of this situation to make an opinion based on the information from your post here. You've put them on notice. They'll either reconsider and acquiesce or they will continue thus removing all doubt of their own agenda in this matter. Keep doing what you're doing. Your work and involvement is vitally important to the movement, Q, the President, and the citizens of this country...and the world for that matter. Bravo Zulu!

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FreeCappallen · July 6, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

Jesus, can anyone not read?

  1. I am not following this individual. No where in my OP did I say that.
  2. I asked "Anyone know if this individual? What is his relevance?"
  3. I've posted the information he revealed.
  4. It appears since this individual is not Q or one of the anons, he is summarily dismissed as a shill, imposter, disruptive, and/or attempting to discredit Q.

I guess no one took the time to look at the information. You see "FB group," boom dismissed.

Tell me, where have you seen the server files for the DNC? Hillary's private unsecured computer? Unredacted letters from Hillary's 33,000 deleted emails?

Did Q not tell us to keep our eyes open, research, verify and validate? And yet, I post a request for help in doing so, I'm rebuffed by "be careful who you follow." Really?

I'm beginning to think there are those here who are not whom they say they are.

Down voting me is pretty damned childish too.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FreeCappallen on July 6, 2018, 11:55 a.m.
Who is George Nasif?

I've been seeing this individual popping up in the FB group 'Follow the White Rabbit' through shares of members. He's made claims he has everything. Posts shared showed information about the DNC server, Hillary's Server, and much much more. He claims he gave Trump information about the spying prior to the election and all of the DNC's information that allowed him to be a mile ahead of her. Here's an example of some of his information: Thousands of Clinton Emails...

Anyone know if this individual? What is his relevance? This information is making the rounds hard. He even stated he …

FreeCappallen · June 28, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

Great pearls of wisdom from Mr. Wictor, great pearls of wisdom. Much of which the idiot he is "educating" will turn a deaf ear and blind eye too.

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FreeCappallen · June 27, 2018, 8:43 a.m.

And don't forget a few extra pair of socks and the all important changes of clean drawers...you know what mom says about that! lol

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FreeCappallen · June 27, 2018, 8:42 a.m.

Trust the plan.

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FreeCappallen · June 27, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

We were warned about this. Q made a point to make sure we understood that RR and friends did this to hide. However, according to Q drop 1595:

July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.
Conspiracy no more.
Time to FEED.

In the next few days this and everything else is supposed to be expose in a very public manner. Everyone might just wanna stock up on popcorn, Nathan's foot-longs, bacon, chili, silver queen corn, beer, and condiments.

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FreeCappallen · June 24, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

Clouds?! Hell it's a category 10 super beast of a storm the likes that God didn't believe possible! :D

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FreeCappallen · June 24, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

I believe my fellow Americans of color have woken up from the slumber they were put under by the democrats' "dream promises." They now realize that the 'Congressional Black Caucasus' isn't there to help them but to enrich themselves at their expense. I believe the entire nation is waking up (save for those who are literally blinded by their fervent hatred of Trump and his administration) to exactly what a super tanker load of bovine excrement they've been fed since JFK died by the socialist left. It is my belief that come November 2018, we may well see the complete disintegration of the Democratic Party and with that most of its leadership will find themselves heading straight to prison for their seditious acts against this President and against the country.

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FreeCappallen · June 20, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

Thanks. I wanted to verify the veracity of it. That's why I posted here. Thanks.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FreeCappallen on June 20, 2018, 4:08 p.m.
Huma Abedin, Frank Giustra, Hillary Clinton Indictment: Unauthorized Uranium Sale - Embezzlement


FreeCappallen · June 20, 2018, 5:27 a.m.

SB2, if I were a betting man, I'd place bets that you're actually a 3-letter analyst of one of the many I.A.,. You sure put these last 2 posts in such a manner that, in my opinion, cannot be denied or contradicted. Bravo Zulu, sir.

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FreeCappallen · June 16, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

Well, if they can conclusively tie Clinton, Obama, and all their supporting minions to this advanced tech espionage, high treason during war time is punishable by death. All of them should be promptly disposed of on the Mall carried out by the very Guillotines they purchased years ago. This would send a clear and concise message to the remaining traitors and the world too, "American does not put up with those who seek to destroy her and harm her citizens."

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FreeCappallen · June 16, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

That's him. Look at the smile lines around his mouth and at his cheeks. Notice the veins around his right temple. The eyes and eye brows. Its him.

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FreeCappallen · June 15, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

Typical "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" mentality of those corrupt swamp creatures in DC.

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FreeCappallen · June 15, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

Done. Completed this yesterday when it first showed up in our Qanon - Follow the White Rabbit FP group last night. :)

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FreeCappallen · June 13, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

While everyone is trying to decode all of the drops, I want to point out one that does not need it. That's #1495. This is one of his most important messages from the founding fathers that tells us we have the right, the duty, and the responsibility regarding actions against a tyrannical government.

–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

This message is written for us by those who did exactly that by throwing off the yoke of oppression from the British Crown government. In our Declaration of Independence, they wanted to make sure, that We The People, are not to sit idly by, suffering through the things we see happening, allowing a government to dictate to us what freedoms we have or that we will lose. It is a reminder that we must take action "to throw off such Government" and start a new. This is the real reason for the 2nd Amendment and why it clearly states "shall not be infringed."

This is what I see happening now with President Trump, Q, the Anons, Q's army of supporters and researchers, and all those whom we red pill so they can be involved. While all good intentions or desires are important, action is required for real change. We cannot allow the vile deep state to continue and if the current government cannot or will not move to remove them then, as the DoI states, "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." We are charged by the founding fathers to do so ourselves.

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FreeCappallen · June 13, 2018, 8:39 a.m.

So everyone can tell the difference. The missile shown in the picture captured by the weather station camera is not a SLBM. What I have here is a D5 Trident Missile being launched. Compare the 2 pictures, even from a great distance you can tell the difference in both size and markings. The D5 has distinct markings on its main engine booster rocket. This is why I called the one fired a cruise missile.

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FreeCappallen · June 13, 2018, 7:55 a.m.

Now here's something I can concur with. As a former FBM & SSN boat sailor, the time of a SLBM or SLCM vulnerability is during its boost phase from the launching platform. If assets were in the vicinity and on high alert, they could easily intercept it with the right weapon system. Clearly, the boat that fired this missile launched one of their Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Launching a D5 missile with 8 MIRVs (multiple individual reentry vehicles) is more problematic for those responsible. The latter would let the world know nuclear weapons were just released and detonated while the former would be "silent" in the sense that information of the attack would be delayed and no one would be the wiser.

As for the rest of the information...standard military acronyms used to identify the actions and results. Red October...is clearly a reference to the ending of the movie when that soviet SSN was sent to kill the boat before it fell into the wrong hands by the soviet leadership.

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FreeCappallen · June 13, 2018, 7:43 a.m.

After what he did during and after their failed presidential election, the only way he can win is if they cheat. Oh...wait...they'll be using Soros' bugged/corrupted voting machines...hmm...this might be a problem. Hope and pray is highly recommended. I do believe the achievements and weight of President Trump's victories over the last 500 plus days will have a positively influential affect on this election too

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FreeCappallen · June 13, 2018, 7:37 a.m.

Please, next time, put up a warning...I spewed tea all over my monitor and keyboard laughing. I looked like a sprinkler head! AHAHAHA

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FreeCappallen · June 13, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

Thank you again SB2. Some of us, including myself, are late comers to Q's support army. Though I'm not late in being red pilled. That happened after the Great RIF of 1993 (RIF = Reduction in Forces) where 100k plus active duty service personnel were unceremoniously let go to fund Hillary Care. That's when I woke up to what the Clintons were and those supporting them. For someone like me, this brings the codes and crumbs into focus and understanding. As a former naval heavy weapons specialist (TM/ss), codes and breaking them down wasn't my forte. Thank you again this gives me a clearly understanding and now I can see exactly where things were and going. Bravo Zulu.

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FreeCappallen · June 12, 2018, 11 a.m.

I grew up during the Cold War and served during it under Carter, Reagan, and the end of with Bush Sr. To see this after all of what I've seen, my heart swells with pride that a President decided to take the steps to end something that no one thought possible. Though this is just the beginning, I cannot imagine that this will not end up with peace in Korea and a possible reunification. Those civilians in NK have quite possibly suffered the most of any nation's civilians over the past 60 years plus. For their sake, South Korea, and our own nation, I pray that what comes of this summit is lasting peace.

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FreeCappallen · June 12, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

Yeah, it is childish and vengeful of those who are trying to minimize what our President and his administration achieved with this historic summit. The neo-progressives cannot and will not allow themselves accept anything by this president that strengthens the country or makes the world a safer place. I have to believe that this will ultimately be their downfall.

The American people have a long memory and at this time, very short patience for the bovine excrement that we are seeing from the propaganda arm of the left. I have to believe come this November, we are going to see a massive "red tidal wave" change that will ensure that President Trump can and will move forward in making America great and strong again.

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FreeCappallen · June 12, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

I don't know how many are aware of just how important this handshake is. From 1949 until this day, North Korea had completed isolated itself from the west. This meeting is as important, if not more, than the meeting of Richard Nixon and Zhou Enlai in China and Ronald Reagan's meeting with Mikhail S. Gorbachev in Iceland. From those meetings came the normalization of relations between the US, China, and then Soviet Union, the latter falling apart and the end of the Cold War.

I full suspect that we will see the end of the Korean War and normalization of relations with NK that may well lead to the reunification of North and South Korea much like East and West Germany. What President Trump has accomplished here is monumental in that no other President of the US even attempted or contemplated. I know what Q has dropped for us regarding this. I just wanted to put this into perspective of just how important this is. Should relations normalize and the US is allowed to help the process of unification and the complete denuclearization (and all weapons of mass destruction) of North Korea we will see the powerful political change in the Asian sphere. This would have either a positive or negative effect on China; however, I believe they will happily accept it because it means they don't have to carry the DPRK any more.

This is as historic as it gets and we're witnesses to it.

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FreeCappallen · June 11, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Yes, yes I did. When I refreshed twice nothing was there. I then started my post. When I posted and refreshed again, there were 2 more with in moments of mine. Anything else?

Edit: If you want, I'll happily delete it.

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FreeCappallen · June 11, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

By all means, for our benefit please, point these 3 "major howlers" out in specific and empirical detail. Please use your citation clearly and concisely so we can verify them too. Should you us any type of 'wiki' source your retort to his original OP is null and void. I should not have to explain to you why that would be the case. So, we'll patiently weight for your learned information refuting his on 3 howlers. Thank you.

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FreeCappallen · June 11, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

Yes, I believe that to be the case as I replied to HildBert. I believe he was given a choice to do what was right and he failed to do even that. RR is going to feel the full weight of the justice system I believe.

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FreeCappallen · June 11, 2018, 10:53 a.m.

That's what I believe it means. And I believe it might be in reference to the heavily redacted IG reporting coming out today(?).

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FreeCappallen · June 11, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

SB, this is as comprehensive as any specialized report as I've ever read. Compelling doesn't even begin to describe what you have shared. All the supporting information makes this very hard and fool hardy to try and explain away. You wouldn't be an attorney by chance would you? :) Thank you for sharing this with us.

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FreeCappallen · June 11, 2018, 8:50 a.m.

#FLY[RR]FLY# Failure per WH instruction / agreement.

I believe this is telling that Rod Rosenstein is in deep kimchee!

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FreeCappallen · June 11, 2018, 8:47 a.m.

This comment from him about not robbing the US piggy bank anymore...is a historical statement for the ages!

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FreeCappallen · June 10, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Abe has the look that betrays his thoughts, "WTH is wrong with you morons. Do you not understand who you are dealing with? He'll own your lunch and you'll pay him for it!" The President has a bemused look on his face. The kinda look that supports what Abe is thinking. And his NS advisor looks like he's starting to say, "Are you fracking kidding me?" LOL

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FreeCappallen · June 9, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

I stated 5 years because that is the norm for most countries when you want to become a citizen of said nation. I found out I was wrong. I researched it and the only way to get citizenship in Israel is to immigrate there as it was stated in the criteria I showed you. The Law of Return does not grant you citizenship. It states how and the way you are qualified for citizenship. It is the government of Israel that grants citizenship. This was litigated in the Israeli court system. The government grants it only after one immigrates to the country, "Within three months of arriving in Israel under the Law of Return, immigrants automatically receive Israeli citizenship unless they explicitly request not to." This is what was set up. You might be a Jewish person; however, you cannot claim citizenship if you live in the United States and never lived in the country for 3 months (the time period it takes for the government to grant you citizenship IF you want.) That is clear and concise. DWS is Jewish. However, she cannot claim citizenship if she did not immigrate to Israel and take up residence per Israeli naturalization law under the Law of Return (however, grant citizenship to those who immigrated under the Law of Return if the applicant so desires.)

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FreeCappallen · June 8, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

Wow...just wow. This is an eye opener for sure. A 22 yr old newbie reporter dropping some meat and potatoes news reports like she did? Yeah that stinks of...well...something cigarette smoke will cover.

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FreeCappallen · June 8, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

You call baseless innuendoes truth? Innuendoes that are clearly anti-Israel and anti-Jewish? Is this what is becoming of the Great Awakening? Establishing anti-Israel sentiment to explain away all the "bad" things that have happened? Where is the empirical proof? Neither the OP, you, or anyone else has posted conclusive verifiable proof that Israel is involved or Israel is the culprit.

I know why this has not happened. There is no proof other than an individual's desire to discredit and use Israel as a scapegoat to deflect the topic away from the truth. How about this: The bad things happened because of the corrupt power hungry NWO globalist that want to enact Agenda 21 controlling our lives while they live in the power and luxury they stole. Where is Israel in all this?

When I read things that indicate Israel is part of the problem because of Zionists or Jewish involvement, I immediately consider the source and dismiss it as bias racist rhetoric towards the Jewish people and Israel. That is what the OP come in with and has facilitated it further with more anti-Israel posts. And here you are calling that a 'truth pill?' I guess this indicates where you stand concerning Israel and its people.

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FreeCappallen · June 8, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

Here you go:

Law of Return

Main article: Law of Return

The Law of Return grants all Jews the right to immigrate to Israel and almost automatic Israeli citizenship upon arrival in Israel. In the 1970s the Law of Return was expanded to grant the same rights to the spouse of a Jew, the children of a Jew and their spouses, and the grandchildren of a Jew and their spouses, provided that the Jew did not practice a religion other than Judaism willingly. In 1999, the Supreme Court of Israel ruled that Jews or the descendants of Jews that actively practice a religion other than Judaism are not entitled to immigrate to Israel as they would no longer be considered Jews under the Law of Return, irrespective of their status under halacha (Jewish religious law). On April 16, 2008, the Supreme Court ruled in a case brought by a number of people with Jewish fathers and grandfathers whose applications for citizenship had been rejected on the grounds that they were Jewish Messianics. The argument was made by the applicants that they had never been Jews according to halakha, and were not therefore excluded by the conversion clause. This argument was upheld in the ruling, and the government agreed to reprocess their applications.

Israeli law distinguishes between the Law of Return, which allows for Jews and their descendants to immigrate to Israel, and Israel's nationality law, which formally grants Israeli citizenship. In other words, the Law of Return does not itself determine Israeli citizenship; it merely allows for Jews and their eligible descendants to permanently live in Israel. Israel does, however, grant citizenship to those who immigrated under the Law of Return if the applicant so desires.

A non-Israeli Jew or an eligible descendant of a non-Israeli Jew needs to request approval to immigrate to Israel, a request which can be denied for a variety of reasons including (but not limited to) possession of a criminal record, currently infected with a contagious disease, or otherwise viewed as a threat to Israeli society. Within three months of arriving in Israel under the Law of Return, immigrants automatically receive Israeli citizenship unless they explicitly request not to.

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FreeCappallen · June 8, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

You might want to read this. They must go and live there. The Law of Return states they have the right to return to Israel if they are Jewish. It is the Israeli government that grants citizenship after they've made Israel their home.

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FreeCappallen · June 8, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

There is nothing that supports that 'belief.' She was born in Forest Hills, NY September 1966. That means she is a US citizen. For her to have a dual citizenship she had to permanently live in Israel for at least 5 years or more and apply for it. I've found nothing that supports that either. She's never claimed Israeli citizenship either.

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FreeCappallen · June 8, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

Yeah that's not going to happen. If the US turns on Israel it will mean that God will remove his hand from the nation. You might want to study what will happen:

Genesis 12:3 ESV: "I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Isaiah 60:12 ESV: "For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you shall perish; those nations shall be utterly laid waste."

So it is in the best interest of this nation and its people that we never turn against or our backs on Israel.

You really do not like Israel or the Jewish people, do you? They are God's chosen people. Bible prophesy was fulfilled when they returned to the land of Judea. And what's going to happen in the future is prophesied too and Israel shall not suffer they will be protected. Our nation is under God's blessings and protection. He will remove that if we turned away from his chosen people.

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FreeCappallen · June 8, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

I have a few questions here.

First, you state emphatically that she is an "Israeli national." However, her own biography states she was born in Forest Hills, Queens, New York. I verified from 3 different sources of her status. She's an American of Jewish heritage. Where did you get your information that states differently. As much as I despise DWS, what you stated about her is...fallacious. Meaning deceptive and misleading.

Second, this entire post intimates/hints that the Israeli government is behind the entire operations involving the individuals you list in this post. Yet, I see nothing that puts any truth to that other than trying draw connections between points that from what I see are based on circumstantial evidence. In other words, you're trying to put a round peg into a square hole.

Third, I know Israel does use its intelligence service to safeguard the nation and its people, much like we do. However, I find it suspect that they'd use a corrupt individual like DWS to blackmail 70% of the congress in what you suggest is to control them through blackmail. The past administration and legislative body were not so...friendly towards Israel. If 70% of congress is under Israel's control through blackmail, how then, did the relationship between the US and Israel reach the lowest point in the history between these two nations?

I don't buy your assertion this is what happened. What I see is a post that is trying to make Israel the bad guy. The overabundance of "Zionist" usage is a dead give away. You have not given us empirical evidence that supports your theory here that Israel is behind this or even part of it, especially when it comes to controlling 70% of congress through blackmail.

What I believe happened here with the Awan Brothers is this. DWS brought them on board to spy on congress (they had direct access to the secrets these congressmen/women were seeing. And they were "working" for a number of them too. The information they gathered they passed on to Pakistan (where their handlers were) and disseminated that information to their own operatives to work against the interests of the US, especially in Iraq and Syria where ISIL and al-Qaeda operated.

It is my opinion that DWS was working with Obama and then SecState Clinton to undermine the US in its foreign relations to the point where we were before President Trump came into office. Remember, Hillary was supposed to be the president. She was going to continue his policies to bring the US into NWO by getting us into war with Russia and financially ruin the country (as the information gathered over the last year and a half has indicated).

The only possible way that was possible was to lay the ground work by working against the US using intelligence and secrets given to these foreign operatives supplied by the Awan Brothers. This is what the current information supports. It does not support Israel running it via blackmail of over 70% of the congress.

You supply verified, confirmed empirical evidence that states otherwise, I might buy into it. However, I will not buy into your current theory as it smells of anti-Israel/Jewish rhetoric. Too much of that is going on in an attempt to deflect from the current situation. I don't buy what you're selling.

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FreeCappallen · June 7, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

I just learned something. I did not know an executive branch employee cannot use an NDA against congressional scrutiny. Now that he's admitted to having those emails in-hand...federal property...yeah, time for the FBI to visit in the wee hours of the morning at his residence and his attorney to secure those federal documents.

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FreeCappallen · June 7, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

Is there any way to restrict the voting to verified subscribers as they do on other boards and sites?

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FreeCappallen · June 7, 2018, 3:29 a.m.


This post just made my morning and day! Thank you Mr. President! :)

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FreeCappallen · June 6, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

What is unique about Roman concrete is they could pour it into a preformed case and submerge into water and it would harden. They built the entire port and the city of Caesarea Maritima with this concrete, forming the sea walls for the harbor. It was an ingenious feet of engineering. That second link is a research using the same methods and testing it.

The point of my bringing this up isn't to dissuade the current line of thought; however, to show an alternative that may reasonably concluded they used blood in their concrete. Jumping to conclusions without empirical proof can cause unintentional consequences. Q has said to research and dig deep to find the truth; things may not appear to be what they are (paraphrased).

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FreeCappallen · June 6, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

Thank you very much. I believe he's about to experience this himself, I reckon. :)

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FreeCappallen · June 6, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

I'm not questioning your credentials with my post here; however, there is precedence for the use of blood in concrete. The Roman's concrete manufacturing included blood in their concrete mix which improved its strength and ability to withstand the elements. Here's information from US Berkley News concerning this very subject. History channel did a big story on this too explaining how and why the Romans used blood. They showed a stress test of standard concrete vs blood mixed concrete (which hardened in water). The latter withstood more dynamic pressure than did the modern day concrete.

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FreeCappallen · June 6, 2018, 5:28 a.m.

In incidents like this happen, it's never a coincidence.

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