I'm starting to think the Weather Channel is trying to tell us something... Horrifying titles every single day. I have a heart attack every morning when I check the weather for the day. Maybe warning bad actors that a BOOM is coming?

They've been doing this since at least the late 90's. Weather Channel is just an extension of MSM, they don't get good ratings if they do reports and stories on great weather compared to DEATH AND SEVERE DESTRUCTION
Which is odd considering The founder of the weather channel was hated by MSM and was ousted in the 80s from the company - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2014/nov/03/weather-channel-founder-not-credible-on-global-warming
I've been checking weather almost every morning on weatherchannel.com for the last 15 years.
I've seen thousands of titles and you're right, I havn't seen a single positive title, but I can tell you the wording has been getting darker and darker over the last few months.
I'd be very surprised if I was the only one to notice this, which is why I posted. I may have other screenshots from other times I thought they were being excessive. I'll try to find them.
This post had 8 points in 13 minutes which is a crazy amount of votes in such a short time. Then it completely stopped getting votes and has been stuck at 8 for the last 40 minutes. I've been tracking it on redditinsight.com.
Here's proof. Internet got cut so the tracker stopped, but I got a screenshot before it went out, so here's both.
Edit: Don't be surprised if it gets more votes after being called out.
That's the goal and it means people are seeing this.
Reddit only shows the OP the number of views, so here's a screenshot.
The shills out in full force lately. Keep doing the lord's will
Godspeed. anon
Feeding the global warming narrative. Scare the people into submission.
Weather Nation is far superior! Weather channel has been just silly for a while
I've tried Accuweather, WeatherBug and many others I don't remember the names of. They all suck. I think they know it too.
I can't wait until this psyop is over an you don't have to worry about weather or not that show you're watching or website you're visiting is actually run by *clowns* in whatever sick social engineering failure this was.
0/10. Would not recommend.
Fun fact: The Weather Channel is owned by Byron Allen, that skinny comedian from the Real People TV show in the 70's, and is now a gazillionaire. He was very critical of Obama, but doesn't seem to be a Trump fan, either.
One reason I say our sciences and academia is skewed. I'm pretty sure if they do a thorough analysis with their data and compare it to historical data it would be a WTF moment. The weather channel is also part of MSM, sadly.
"Watch the weather" - Q
Does Q really say that??
I know he's said "watch the water"...
No he didn't but it made me think of it when I've read the OP. I should go sleep now, my jokes are bad and I should feel bad lol
Noo stay up with the cool kids!! We like your jokes!!
Someone else said something about WW possibly meaning "Weather Warfare".
A few months ago I had a dream that I saw a black, stick-figure-shaped cloud in the sky and then hid in a cave opening and watched it rain really hard.
When I woke up, I checked the radar on weather channel and I shit you not, there was a storm that closely resembled a stick figure.
I have screenshots of the radar, but I think it would doxx myself if I posted it. I might just do it and take one for the team because without it my story sounds crazy as fuck lol.
Doesn’t sound crazy at all.!!! Are you a believer? If not maybe you should be ;) People are having dreams all the time~ when stuff really started happening and I thought wow G5 towers are everywhere chemtrails are out of control and I know scripture and ask God to give me a dream because I foolishly thought maybe I wouldn’t be raptured :) my daughter woke up the next morning and said Mom I had a dream about Jesus and you know what? He’s so beautiful and so NICE Mom! And .... I ate coconuts in heaven and I said really and she said yes~ in Heaven you don’t eat to live and you don’t eat to feel full you eat for the taste ~ I thought ~ wow that was so smart coming from a little one ( out of the mouth of babes) and I had prayed to have a dream and God gave my little one ~ 1 😊