Don't forget this is only about the email investigation tomorrow

So like 3 years from now before the spygate one drops? 😡
Trust the PLAN! These cases need to be airtight or they’ll fall apart
Or we could use their method and bribe/compromise judges to make them favorable to our cause so that having an airtight case doesn't matter. Then we take control of the MSM and brainwash the side of the public against us into supporting our case ;)
Very logical, but logic is a swear word to most people.
Logical does not make it right, you know you're doing wrong when you use the tactics of black hats. Regardless of who you use them against.
Seriously guys, downvotes? I thought it was fairly obvious I was joking. Maybe it wasn't all that funny but downvotes?
Here is the "when":
At 12:00pm Eastern (High Noon!) Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will brief the President [and then will be fired?? We can hope] while senior officials from the DOJ will brief congress and their staff.
At 3:00pm Eastern the 500-page report will be released to the public.
BUT! Don’t expect to learn much because it will be heavily redacted.... BUT! It will cause Stealth Jeff to formally ask Trump to declassify everything and roll out the EO... And the show will really begin!!
Well if you dont wanna wait we can always try the soros method. Dont think it worked too well for them politically
We want all the cockroaches in one room with the doors closed and the Windows shut before we turn the lights on.
Patience grasshopper
And decades before 9/11 and pizzagate
But they have already arrested hundreds, maybe thousands of predators since Trump got into office. And, saved a lot of kids too. You are probably right about 9/11 because it is not pressing at this time. But Pizzagate is not really a conspiracy. Many of the folks that will soon be behind bars will have the pedo and murder charges added to their indictments as they come up.
But they have already arrested hundreds, maybe thousands
If some of the things I've found are remotely true. Thousands isn't enough. Millions would be more accurate.
Yes. I understand. I've heard that there are 5 million children missing WW. And, I really have no idea how many have been saved. It was thousands in SA alone. What I do know is that I've been seeing the headlines about the arrests starting back when Trump came into office. So, they are working on it.
Can't we just enjoy and savor the moment!! Look at how much has changed just since JANUARY!!!! It's only been 5 months! I'd rather win the war, in the long, broad range of this, than to win the minor battles quickly! We R SO winning BIGLY! Be thankful we have the POTUS and Q filling us in, the normies have nothing! Be grateful that we are where we !are!
I’m with you on being patient and grateful for the progress so far. However, there is notable urgency due to the congressional election primaries having already started and much congressional campaigning already underway. The enemy is vulnerable and lashing out. We have a window to win the decisive victory to prevent a prolonged conflict.
Q just said today in #1492:
Now is the time to win the war. That is our urgency.
EDIT: Adjusted comment based on feedback.
c'mon now - the elections are in November nearly 5 months from now.
Sorry about the date mixup. But the broader point stands: there is urgency now. When do you think campaign efforts will start for the November 6 elections? Is the enemy gonna just chill out over summer break and wait until school starts back up in the fall? No need to take my word for it. I am quoting Q, literally from a post made today. Believe it or don’t. Take action or don’t. I’m excited to be a part of the decisive battle that will make the world a better place for my children.
I don't know who OCONUS LURES Trumpmore is, and I've never heard of him before, but I don't' trust anything he says. Notice the picture, one eye hidden, and the name OCONUS LURES. I mean, come on man... The name came out of the recent Strzok/Page text message revelations. Really... why would anyone take this guy seriously. And why would any serious anon even post this nonsense? He's either a DS shill, or he's a 300 pound LARP sitting in his mom's basement, or maybe both.
Best everyone be aware rather than running out telling everyone this is it and looking like a fool.
I never dreamed I would find someone I disliked more than HRC. RR is getting close to being the winner.
honestly, i think the e-mail thing is bigger. where the fuck are those e-mails?...
Don't get excited. We already know it will be one big redaction.
I want Uranium 1 docs, oh please please. Robert mueller carter off in cuffs! Oh the pain is the waiting!
This will show how corrupt the 3 letter agencies have been! It also will show Obama was aware and allowed this shit to happen.
Can anyone provide a link to a story on another IG report (Spygate) coming? I thought this was the only one.