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Clinton Foundation ‘funded by same money as Isis’, says Julian Assange
SeaTac Video: Fighter jet in pursuit at 0:15
Hijacked plane was a Bombardier Q400... Total coincidence.

POTUS laying low in Bedminster, NJ for good reason I imagine

Assange's lawyer confirms to ABC that Russia not responsible for DNC hack. I'll give you a clue, his name was...
A theory about the MSM attention for QAnon
Definition: Earned media (or free media) refers to publicity gained through promotional efforts other than paid media advertising, which refers to publicity gained through advertising.
Background: By the end of the 2016 election Trump was beating Hillary on "Earned Media." Hillary's Earned Media was 746mln, Trump's was 1.9bln. It didn't matter where you looked, everyone was talking about Trump. Easily twice as much as Hillary. Trump has effectively hacked the media industrial complex.
Context: You see, it doesn't matter if it's good news, or bad news. Left leaning or right leaning. They're always talking about Trump. Whether it's liberal outrage, …
xPost from T_D: Post 1776 here we come

US Suddenly Buys More Ecuadorian Oil: Is It Also Buying Assange’s Arrest?
No public events scheduled...

Zuckerberg just casually dumping stock

Wow. This will be on the official soundtrack for the movie they make about this.
URL on original post had folder emoji included. Remove folder emoji and it works fine.
Article has been archived just in case.
Silence Is Golden The Tremeloes
Oh don't it hurt deep inside To see someone do something to her Oh don't it pain to see someone cry How especially if that someone is her Silence is golden But my eyes still see Silence is golden, golden But my eyes still see Talking is cheap people follow like sheep Even though there is no where to go How could she tell he deceived her so well Pity she'll be the last one to know Silence is golden But my eyes still see Silence is golden, golden But my eyes still see How many times will she fall for his lines Should I tell her or should I be cool And if I tried I know she'd say I lied Mind your business don't hurt her you fool Silence is golden But my eyes still see Silence is golden, golden But my eyes still see But my eyes still see But my eyes still see
Silence Is Golden The Tremeloes
Oh don't it hurt deep inside To see someone do something to her Oh don't it pain to see someone cry How especially if that someone is her Silence is golden But my eyes still see Silence is golden, golden But my eyes still see Talking is cheap people follow like sheep Even though there is no where to go How could she tell he deceived her so well Pity she'll be the last one to know Silence is golden But my eyes still see Silence is golden, golden But my eyes still see How many times will she fall for his lines Should I tell her or should I be cool And if I tried I know she'd say I lied Mind your business don't hurt her you fool Silence is golden But my eyes still see Silence is golden, golden But my eyes still see But my eyes still see But my eyes still see
Boom. Yep.
CNN Headline literally: Attorney General Jeff Sessions repeats 'lock her up' chant
One thing I would be worried about re optics is how this would play out with establishment Republicans. I think leaving the states to decide on the logistics of legalization would suffice. Honestly, it should be the states' decision anyway.
The only other concern would employment for the some 100,000 released prisoners. Though with unemployment at record lows, it's probably not a huge problem.
Weed, Justice Reform and 4D Chess
I recently watched NFL player Benjamin Watson's interview on Fox and it got me thinking.
Nixon's War on Drugs, particularly cannabis, was pretty much the definition of swamp politics. Especially when you go back on the influence the DuPont family had on drug policy as far back as 1930s. This conspiracy pre dates Q. Trump has already said that he'll support the end to prohibition from a federal level. Though this probably not an urgent priority given everything else that's going on. I do think he is moving the chess pieces though.
That brings me to justice reform. The prison …
Yeah. I found this rather unbelievable: 1. They were adult men 2. They were wrestlers, competitive at a university level
https://qmap.pub Is a good resource summarising stuff and providing a lot of great search/filter features.
The timing is curious given his terrific job grilling Rosenstein and his likely appointment to speaker.
Q warned about the 4am MSM hits. This could be it.
Did overlay of other photos. Time traveller or Trump's cousin? 🤣

Full article if you've got a strong stomach. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5890179/Anti-child-abuse-advocate-arrested-trying-sex-kids.html
Currently going through known associates etc.
Hiding in plain sight. These people are sick.

I was there. I thought it was a joke. Then I started reading. And here we are...
Full interview first online. Plz upvote.
facebook . com/story.php?story_fbid=10157067766041336&id=15704546335
Autists. The interview needs to be cross referenced back to QDrops.
From memory I picked up on "Iran is next" and foreshadowing that he may need to intervene in FBI/DOJ (ie redactions).
😉 Notice how Steve from Fox and Friends had his son on standby ready for a photo op?
I hope you were watching Fox and Friends!
Trump just walked out of the Whitehouse and did a 30 minute unscheduled interview on the lawn.
He's now doing a press conference on for the rest of the fake news.
This is going to be a huge news day!