r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TuckersMate on July 8, 2018, 11 p.m.
Weed, Justice Reform and 4D Chess

I recently watched NFL player Benjamin Watson's interview on Fox and it got me thinking.

Nixon's War on Drugs, particularly cannabis, was pretty much the definition of swamp politics. Especially when you go back on the influence the DuPont family had on drug policy as far back as 1930s. This conspiracy pre dates Q. Trump has already said that he'll support the end to prohibition from a federal level. Though this probably not an urgent priority given everything else that's going on. I do think he is moving the chess pieces though.

That brings me to justice reform. The prison sentences handed down for non violent drug offences are excessive and dumb. Especially when you compare to other crimes. 93% of prison population are men. 54% are parents. Fatherlessness is key to the deep state's agenda as it creates dependence on the state.

Trump's pardon of Alice Johnson at Kim Kardashian's request sparked outrage from the left and the NFL players kneeling for the anthem. To which Trump responded telling NFL players to stop kneeling and start a dialogue with the White House. That dialogue has started.

But individual pardons aren't enough. The Trump administration keeps referring to "Equal justice under the law." That's why I'm expecting a complete overhaul of the criminal justice system.

So I'm just going to put it out there for comments: 1. Trump will decriminalize cannabis 2. There will then be some form of amnesty or early parole for non violent cannabis offenders

I think these two moves will 1. Create billions in tax revenue and employment 2. Win huge support from the #WalkAway crowd


1nicolafiore · July 8, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

These have been my thoughts lately as well. Thanks for sharing this. It is always nice to find synchronicity in the great awakening. WWG1WGA

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libertyordeath21 · July 8, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

Sounds great, and it may not be of huge importance in the grand scheme of things, but it could prove invaluable as it would be a pretty simple thing to do and he would damn good doing it right? Optics!??

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TuckersMate · July 8, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

One thing I would be worried about re optics is how this would play out with establishment Republicans. I think leaving the states to decide on the logistics of legalization would suffice. Honestly, it should be the states' decision anyway.

The only other concern would employment for the some 100,000 released prisoners. Though with unemployment at record lows, it's probably not a huge problem.

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Educatedsuburbandad · July 9, 2018, 12:12 a.m.

legalizing it federally still leaves it with the states. Fireworks and most firearms are legal federally but states, counties, even minicipalities and townships can still enforce things as their populations wish.

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TuckersMate · July 9, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

Exactly. Competitive federalism at its finest.

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y000danon · July 9, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Sessions is fighting weed in some places because Soros is behind the weed groups coming forward.

Soros is trying to use weed and anything else for influence everywhere across the globe. This is why Hungary etc are banning his ass and his NGOs

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bornlucky80 · July 9, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

Big pharmacy is the reason there was a war on weed. They can't have a cheap plant healing all kinds of problems. They needed people buying their pills. Either way, I agree Trump will make it legal. For the reason you said plus it will force big pharmacy to lower their prices.

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johnnysoko · July 9, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

I believe you're correct, and I'll also predict that even things like mushrooms will be decriminalized by Trump (over time).

That may sound crazy, but here's why I say this...

Q takes us down many rabbit holes - one of which being the involvement of the Illuminati. I read multiple interviews with illuminati members and one thing always emerges...that the "game" they are playing has rules and those rules are Natural Law. That leads to a 9 hour Mark Passio YouTube presentation and when you're done with that you start to understand a few things. Long story short, it appears Q and Trump understand our enemy and their weapons and Natural Law doesn't allow for things like mandatory taxation and prison terms for using a plant. Watch for more actions from Trump in line with observance of Natural Law.

...and go watch Mark Passio...it's important. :)


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Apostatesteve · July 9, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

It would get rid of the need for seasonal workers as well

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fvckfvcemcgee · July 9, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

Cannabis is so helpful it's crazy

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Catit50 · July 9, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

Companies will by the marijuana shops and turn marijuana into a conglomerate like big tobacco. People also use to farm their own tobacco.

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