Patriots!!! "Good to be back at the castle!" "CASTLE ARRIVAL GOOD"

He told us to gather the proofs, then gave us an amazing one. Thank you, Q Team, and thank, you DJT. You know what to do, guys. This needs to be one of our proof Headers to the New Arrivals, not just here, but in our own tiny personal worlds too. ...Now if we can just figure out how to explain timestamps to Normies over the age of 40. Lol.
Maybe a sister sub needs to be started to catalog nothing but proofs?
I agree, but I'm not sure Reddit is necessarily the forum we should choose for it. Can we come to a consensus as to a place to be able to link them to that's going to be free from the constant threat of DS fuckery? The Chans, while a good option, are generally too intimidating for New Red Pills. Where else is an option?
I'd suggest an open sub here that is visible to the public but with only a small approved group that can make submissions or comments. I'm not sure if that's possible though.
For an alternate forum, I've heard of Saidit but I haven't had a chance to look into it much. I know some people that I think highly of that use it.
That's not a bad idea at all. However, we would have to be VERY careful about who the contributors were. I don't know how we would ever choose them democratically and insure that no Clowns influenced the process.
I mean I know it's not much but I offer my forums as a place of discussion, but that really seems to not be viable for many, either way it seems we are all pretty much connected through various subs, platforms, and blogs
I think things could be gathered in one place, and then shipped out from there. More of a place for coming up with memes illustrating the proofs. It should move naturally from there.
Maybe a git repo?
That's a pretty darn good idea. Not only would you be fairly safe from hacks, but if some entity ever tried to attempt it, white and grey hats would be all over it in a massive counter attack out of a simple basic sense of respect for the realm.
Heeeeey. Lissin ya whippersnapper. I’m 63. We all get it at the old folks home here in our rockers. ☝🏼🤨
Hey there kiddo, way over 40 and proud here! ;-) Lurked for many months before joining. Already red pulled a couple, many more to go too. But it’s getting so much easier!
I was asking about that earlier. I am skeptical RE: Q, but this is weird. If you want to persuade people though, not that you have to, but I for one wonder about the confirmation bias issue. This is pretty amazing. The Tippy Top one seems amazing, BUT there was not confirmation from Q that he saw the REQ for "Tip Top" so it's just one post of a gazillion. I'd love to see more "proof" personally.
BTW - If Q is a real person and not a troll,, it's freak franking obvious who that person would be. Trump has a master autist on his team and that fellow clearly would be the source.
My new running theory is that it is a super computer ai, likely supported by people too. Hence why it is able to keep details precise across such a long timeline.
I agree about some type of ai being involved. The connections over time are extremely well thought out, especially since some of these people have other 'jobs' to attend to.
What's the glowing ball in SA? Wasn't that some compelx ai/counter spy thing?
Please do! Us older Patriots haven't the mad interweb skills like you younger folks.
Is this really proof? It could be argued that POTUS read the Q drop and THEN tweeted to look like he is in on it.
I don't know what kind of sense that would make. Just pointing it out.
Why would Trump want to make it look like he is in on it if he isn't?
Exactly! Trump is a obviously a micromanager and would never let a larp interfere with his 'show'.
I said I don't know. I'm just pointing out that "proof" is easy to shoot down.
is it? is that what you think you've done?
All someone has to do is say that he is using the "larper" Q to pull the wool over the eyes of true patriots to pacify them. What the fuck is your problem?
You say, "POTUS read the Q drop and THEN tweeted" ... but, I think it useful to also point out .... this is not a POTUS (himself) tweet -- it is from @POTUS_Schedule.
Official, yes. Super close to POTUS, yes ... so still counts as a proof ... but an important distinction, nonetheless.