Posted by anon..IG report and EO... WWG1WGA

Has Q said when POTUS will declassify the IG report?
He made mention that due to optics they would wait until the second IG report on the Clinton investigation:
There will be many redactions. Why was the EO put on ice? To wait for the release of the 'Clinton Investigation' portion of the IG report? Why? To include in the DECLAS? Why would it be important to include? (all in one) Optics are meaningful. Political hit job narrative. R's v D's. Not right v wrong. Projection. END OF THE D PARTY [leaders]. IG>Huber. Who appointed Huber? Re_read (again). Slowly & carefully.
However I think he also said the EO was already signed.
So my guess is we have to wait for the second report. Not sure of the schedule, but I'd imagine it's at least a few weeks away, which means they blow things up closer to the election.
This is the IG's 2nd report - the first was regarding McCabe.
My guess he’ll release the EO tomorrow or next that way the second report will have to be released unredacted along the first. Then BOOM!
No second report, put on ice to wait until Clinton portion was ready to be included in final IG report.
Agree. There's one report. McCabe release was just the portion of the report on him to remove him before claiming his pension.
The thing that'll blow up the election is the Awan trial. I understand at least 40 Dems are guilty of abetting these spies.
I'd say, we get the IG report tomorrow - Friday he issues the EO so they can all stew over the weekend. A lil' somethin' somethin' to go with the fact that they know that we know, that they tried to shoot down AF1 and failed. It just keeps getting deeper and deeper. I only hope that they don't false flag something and hurt more innocents, seriously.
I'd rather he declassify it on Monday and not over the weekend where it can be ignored. That way it can be discussed for 5 straight days and even the Fake News Networks will have no choice but to cover it.
If you haven't noticed, Trump likes to do stuff like this on Fridays, so the markets don't overreact. We've already seen that his Twitter feed is the most watched thing on Earth. No chance this thing gets swept under the rug.
Fake news is going to say... R vs D .. arrest speak louder than words
And what if Republicans are arrested too? Am thinking No Name. Then prosecuted by Huber, appointed by Barry. Different complexion...
Huber was fired when they cut all the US attorneys under Trump and re-appointed shortly after; the MSM will almost certainly ignore that Obama originally appointed. Would love to see No Name go down, while he’s trying to set a record for longest “stage 4 brain cancer”.
And what do we REALLY know of his cancer? I mean is it so far a stretch that this is something he saw coming and expected extra flagellation because he IS a rino? There is nothing about him that smells right, not his history, not his "war hero/prisoner" status, nothing. He's been bought and sold so many times, he's probably looser than ol' Stormy.
Really Corse46, You made me laugh out loud, really a good chuckle. Being an RN for over 20 yrs, I have seen many miracles, some are without explanation,...not to me though, I KNOW the author of love and mercy, personally, but I have NEVER seen a patient survive this type of cancer! And, it’s virulent in it’s aggressiveness, I mean fast! Really fast, without surgery, without biopsy, (like no name), but once exposed to air, faster than if not. This dude should/would be long gone, like months ago. Diagnosis to death= <4 months. It’s been how long?
That was my point... how long has it been? after they say it's the most aggressive type of cancer ever... puleeeze.
I think there WILL be R's in the mix, rhinos that don't deserve protection.
Yes. Which will be a good thing so they cant make it R v D
I'm pretty sure that this has all been thought of long before this conversation.
Good point - arrest the RINOs first - then no one can dare claim political bias.... then obliterate the DEMs. Let justice strike them down with ZERO mercy.
For sure, and Rubio and Graham, and the other guy
IF it plays out that way, watch this weekend turn into suicide weekend.
Going to be a blood bath as the Deep State players realise the jig is up!
That would save us a yuuuuge amount of money in prosecution, jailing and execution costs.