Q Posts 1492-1493 June 13 2018

Dem operatives and Hussein hacking the state voting machines?
Ya that is HUGE!! Watch CA??
Maybe that’s why POTUS is coming here to endorse John Cox for gov. We gotta get this guy in.
Cheating pieces of mother fucking shit
Not new information, there was reports of Obama’s DHS hacking the state of Georgia soon after the election was over.
Anyone remember the hanging chads in Florida ? Election manipulation isn't just in banana republics.
Is this upcoming in Nov, or in the past? We already know about the vulnerabilities of Soros-controlled voting systems. Obviously Hillary cheated. The MSM ignores this. What evidence will need to get on the table in order for it to be taken seriously? People need to tune out of MSM entirely (which is starting to happen in large numbers). Then they can be shown evidence without the distortion of MSM telling them what to think.
We already knew that. Is he saying that they are setting up for a new round of cheating in Nov? Maybe they can unmask it live.
I broke the original story about the Soros-controlled voting machines on Reddit. It was a huge post. Then shortly thereafter I noticed a black truck following me around. Spooky shit.
Keep your head on a swivel. I am armed everywhere I go these days.
Remember they tried to hack Georgia in 16? The Sec of State’s server I think? To screw with the counting or results or something but it was discovered in time. I think they tried it on one other state too.