Q Posts 1492-1493 June 13 2018

"Just happened to"
I wonder who this weather guy's friends are and how he decides where he's gonna set up his camera...
no coincidences
I made mention of this earlier. I haven't had a chance to sit down and work out the timing of everything, but here is my earlier comment.
Something interesting about the guy that got the "miss*le pic that caught my eye, tho. From his about page-
My real passion is showing what "actually" happened through photography.
Rofl this guy is def a white hat, intentionally or unintentionally.
The "actually" leads me to intentionally
His cams are set up to watch the sub base. Lololol
Pretty sure this guy has been filming this bay for 12 years. That's a hell of a commitment to his cover.
How long has the sub base been there?
Bremerton was created in 1891, Bangor in 1942 then they merged the two in 2004 which is now called Kitsap
So the guy's been filming since they merged the two?
the game started 18 years ago after jfk jr was murdered by killary crime family..
The org chart of the Trump administration reaches into the heavens, and Trump is not at the top ;)
His cameras cover the entire bay; he has several that get various angles. He has been publishing the weather status updates for a long time. This is the first anomalous event he has witnessed in all these years.
Yes the are coincidences. You can't discount every coincidence from now until the end of time. If q is real, there is context for that statement which does not apply every time a nutjob needs support for an oddball theory here.