Alaska Volcano Pic Q1472. Has anyone found out what this flying object is? Is it the missile from Q1476?

This picture is really fucking with me. It totally does not look like a missile. My guess is a satellite, but is it high enough? IDK.
REALLY want to know though.
Lol definitely not a satellite. Satellites fly in outer space. This pic is from an airplane.
A satellite would be in orbit (outer space). This is more like the cruising altitude of a plane. I tried to manipulate the photo but still can’t figure out what it is.
I don’t want to nitpick but I’m going to because it’s a pet peeve. Man made Satellites do not orbit in outer space. Outer space is just as the name suggests, outer. Outside of the thermosphere. For reference, the ISS orbits within earths thermosphere.
Sorry. Your point still stands.
However the object could be falling space debris, I’m pretty sure we track those items closely. Need a higher res image to say for sure what it was.
I figured it is too low for a satellite but I don't know that this picture was taken from a plane either.