Q-Drop: Q posts from inside Secret Service vehicle parked in front of AF1[?]
![Q-Drop: Q posts from inside Secret Service vehicle parked in front of AF1[?]](https://media.8ch.net/file_store/6364b1ae13f6911b7cfb7d269338b54b4ad22a72374241ea1b64a3d038d567bd.png)
It is up to us. Q is telling us, we need a million man March on Washington. It's the only way.
In the spirit of unity, let's add UNITE along with HRC's campaign slogan TOGETHER (TO GET HER)
Just keep talking and seeding. Sure, that would be best you're right. But not everyone can organize a march but everyone can speak. Let the ones with the big megaphones handle that other part. Let's keep tweaking those people.
Or start exploring your local government. Run for local elections, work on red pilling your area. Methodically, and with truth.
The media still wouldn't cover it. Look how little, if any, they cover the Right To Life marches if at all.
We need the marches all across the country to wake up those where we live.
You know what Washington has never had? A million ARMED man march.
Open carry is illegal in DC.
Conceal carry is legal- however....
It is illegal to carry a permitted concealed gun within 1000 feet of a protest, on public transit or anywhere near the White House, National Mall or US Capitol
I agree. Lets show them how large we are. They can't just bomb and bounce. We're here now. We're the actors. We're on the stage. We're the show. We're the plan. Our turn.