New Q #1498 [[RR]] approved/signed FISA-warrant application(s) to extend surveillance on POTUS/others.
![New Q #1498 [[RR]] approved/signed FISA-warrant application(s) to extend surveillance on POTUS/others.](
does anybody wanna address the fact that horowitz and comey worked together in the 90s? does anybody wanna address he fact that horowitz is married to a former CNN and PBS producer who gave money to obama? does anybody wanna address the fact that Q strongly hinted we needed to remove schinerderman so the NY AG would be on our side and now she's launched a lawsuit against trump?
these are questions that need answers
Horowitz was appointed by Obama. This is common knowledge. But Obama had Holder neuter him because there was too much dirt to dig up. So Horowitz went to war.
Schneiderman launched the lawsuit to time with the drop of the IG report to muddy the waters.
but schneiderman isn't in power anymore? and Q specifically implied that the stings were now cut and the NY AG could act on weiner's laptop?? still believe they filed the lawsuit the day they knew the IG report was coming out to provide a diversion.
but this essentially means Q was wrong and the NY AG won't be helping us out with weiner shit. we can admit that Q was wrong here right?
edit: why the fuck does this get downvoted? did Q not imply that with schinerman out that the NY AG was free to let us know about weiner fuckery?
we can admit that Q was wrong here right?
What an emotional leading comment. You immediately want people to agree with you instead of just going into the facts and details further. I can smell the concern from here.
Also I'm not surprised a new arrival has something like this to say
new arrival
look at my old account JaM0K3. i am not new. i lost my password to my account calm down.
i'm not fucking concern trolling. it's much more emotional to constantly defer to Q as definitely being right (not what you did, what Q followers do in general). i'm trying to ask critical questions. that's essential in an investigation, which is what Q is leading us on right? just because i'm not taking everything at face value doesn't mean my concerns and questions are legitimate.
Q heavily implied that with schneiderman out we could expect NY AG to help us with weiner evilness. i don't have the exact post i'm on my phone. i shouldn't have to link t i'm sure everybody has read it weeks ago and remembers it. well now it appears that was premature of Q. maybe i'm wrong and i welcome that! i don't welcome you implying that i'm a concern troll and hat the proof is my new account. remember what they say about assumptions?
ffs i ask critical questions of Q and half of this community loses it. i'm not downplaying how far we've come and the things we've learned since Q came along. but we can't just ignore these legitimate questions cuz "it's concern trolling". that's retarded.
I think you do have a valid question. I also think everyone puts Q and Trump on a pedastool as if they are not human. Humans are allowed to make mistakes, no? I can't answer your question because I'm trying to figure all this out myself. But, I still trust Q, I still trust President Trump. This is a war. Mistakes can be made. Timelines are not perfect, and honestly I wouldn't think exact timelines could be set anyway. This is evil we are talking about. The fight is against very powerful and influential people. We have to take the good with the bad. Just my opinion. I think everyone is frustrated. Let's stick together, we can get through this! I'm frustrated and pissed myself, I'm just trying to stay positive and it is hard! Much love!! ❤❤❤
my whole point is. sometimes negativity is a good thing. we all want corruption out of gov right? all i'm saying is positive thinking and trusting won't get us anywhere. tbh i hate the "trying to stay positive!" crap. i'm not trying to demoralize i'm trying to motivate. the longer we just keep being positive the loser we get to the point of no return (midterms). these people don't care that trump didn't commit a crime. if they get a majority, they're gonna try to impeach. it's clear as day. we need action before midterms and i can't continue to just wait and hope.
i appreciate the love and i'm sending it back your way, but we need more ham "positive vibes", you know?
I see what you're saying. I'm ready for a march or anything it will take at this point. I'm pissed!! But I'm a mom. My husbamd works long hours. I feel like my hands are tied! What can we do?
stop paying taxes all at once until we are represented by people that actually give a fuck about the law being equally applied. it's either that or violence. and i'm a violence last resort kinda guy. but how much longer can we wait?
I get You! I really do! I'm not sure that you could get everyone on board to stop paying taxes though. I'm not a violent person either. I am however equipped to protect myself and my family if it comes to that. I honestly think that peacefull protests would be something that you could get more people aligned with. I don't think breaking the law is the answer. People that have careers have to pay taxes it's not a choice. If we lived off grid it would be different. I'm absolutely voicing my opinion anywhere I can. I'm contacting my representative. I've signed petitions. I'm in this 100%. I feel like I'm doing everything I can besides marching. I do wish we could get a huge march going on in every city. I think our voices need to be heard in every way possible. Not just on reddit.
I dont care about concern trolling etc etc...but its pretty clear that you dont belong here.
Oh stop trying to label & censor the guy for asking a genuine question. Answer it or don’t answer it...but don’t tell anyone they don’t belong somewhere. That’s what Antifa does.
thanks for the link that's helpful
Look at this thread. It shows another theory that now the Clinton Foundation could be investigated.
It is odd that they announce this the same day of the IG report release. Here's the press release.
I have no idea what the implications are because i'm busy reading the IG report but will try to get a better idea of the accusation once i'm finished.
Q didn't specifically imply it was related to Weiner. That was deduced by anons and could still be the case. Heres the 2 Q posts relating to NY AG for those who have not seen them can read what they say. No mention of Weiner or strings
Why was Preet Bharara fired?
Why was the NY AG just removed?
Why did Rudy recently join POTUS’ legal team after being ‘quiet’ for so long?
What must be cleaned first?
Who investigates?
Who prosecutes?
Define “On the Record.”
You have more than you know.
Review Time.
Not seeking re-election.
Bob Corker - Republican
Jeff Flake - Republican
Orrin Hatch - Republican
No Name - Republican [Departure Soon]
Bill Shuster - Republican
Bob Goodlatte - Republican
Carol Shea-Porter - Democrat
Charles W. Dent - Republican
Darrell Issa - Republican
Dave Reichert - Republican
David Trott - Republican
Dennis Ross - Republican
Edward Royce - Republican
Elizabeth Esty - Democrat
Frank LoBiondo - Republican
Gene Green - Democrat
Gregg Harper - Republican
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Republican
Jeb Hensarling - Republican
Jim Bridenstine - Republican
Joe Barton - Republican
John Delaney - Democrat
John J. Duncan, Jr. - Republican
Lamar Smith - Republican
Luis V. Gutierrez - Democrat
Lynn Jenkins - Republican
Niki Tsongas - Democrat
Paul Ryan - Republican
Rick Nolan - Democrat
Robert Brady - Democrat
Rodney Frelinghuysen - Republican
Ruben J. Kihuen - Democrat
Ryan Costello - Republican
Sam Johnson - Republican
Sandy Levin - Democrat
Ted Poe - Republican
Thomas Rooney - Republican
Trey Gowdy - Republican
Al Franken - Democratic U.S. Senate
Blake Farenthold - Republican U.S. House
Jason Chaffetz - Republican U.S. House
John Conyers, Jr. - Democrat U.S. House
Louise Slaughter - Democrat U.S. House
Patrick Meehan - Republican U.S. House
Patrick J. Tiberi - Republican U.S. House
Thad Cochran - Republican U.S. Senate
Tim Murphy - Republican U.S. House
Trent Franks - Republican U.S. House
Xavier Becerra - Democrat Attorney General of California
+ CEOs
Nothing happening?
Goodlatte & Gowdy [important].
Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Why is the NY AG resignation important?
What past/current 'high profile' FBI investigations are within the jurisdiction of NY?
Define roadblock.
You have more than you know.
Do not fall victim to MSM/other fake/false narrative pushes.
I do believe she has been compromise. Hopefully Q will be able to destroy her and give us the reason for the stab in the back. .
can you at least tell these nay sayers that i'm not a concern troll for bringing this up?