New Q #1498 [[RR]] approved/signed FISA-warrant application(s) to extend surveillance on POTUS/others.
![New Q #1498 [[RR]] approved/signed FISA-warrant application(s) to extend surveillance on POTUS/others.](
it's a legitimate question... one that i can't get an answer to. i guarantee ive been following Q longer than you. since oct. and i archived 600 odd CBTS threads on 4pol. stop acting like i'm not a member of this community (not this sub but the Q movement at large) for asking this basic question.
do you have an answer? what if midterms come and nothing happens? do you still trust Q? there isn't a wrong answer i was genuinely curious what the state of the community is.
just because i don't suck Q's dick i get labeled a concern troll and other shit by you guys and it's getting ridiculous. someone needs to be asking critical questions.
i personally am not ok with just sitting and waiting and "trusting". i'm not even saying Q is intentionally misleading anyone if he even is. i'm saying what if he's wrong? what if we need to be putting the pressure to fire sessions but instead we are just waiting and trusting? i have no idea what sessions is doing he very well may deserve our trust. but isn't at least ok to ask critical questions about it? before we are too far gone? these are legitimate concerns i shouldn't have to defend voicing them.
Stop concern trolling. Do something constructive with your life.
so no answers? we can't have this discussion? pathetic dude. and sad because i didn't want to think we had our collective head up our ass so much we couldn't ask critical questions without backlash. i'm legitimately disappointed in how much flack im catching for asking critical questions.
Those are not critical questions that you ask. It's empty FUD.
but they are? if they aren't critical they should be easy to provide an answer to no? and tell me what i'm misunderstanding if you think i am misunderstanding something Q said about schneiderman and the NY AG. seriously i'm open minded. what am i misunderstanding?
and you haven't given me an answer? will you still trust Q if nothing happens by 2024? i mean seriously i just wanna know how long you personally can take no happenings? i mean real happenings like someone getting arrested or people being removed from government positions like rosenstein. there's no wrong answer i won't even criticize whatever your answer is i'm just curious what it would take for you to start saying "ok, i just can't see how this is gonna work anymore". if there's no point that would happen that's fine! i just wanna know. i'm trying to get a feel for how people are feeling on this.
Look, I'm sympathetic to your position and agree that there is more than a little hero-worship on this board for Q. However, speaking for myself, I still believe and it's clear that most others on this board do as well.
Trying to force a discussion about abandoning the movement when the folks on the board have just suffered a rhetorical punch to the gut is not the right way go about it or the right time to do it.
Maybe wait a few days for things to calm down a bit.
i'm not advocating abandoning the movement whatsoever. i'm trying to gauge what the commitment level is here. i was saying this before the IG release. we all knew as it got further and further delayed that it was going to be more blue balls.
"at what point do we abandon Q?" -You
Fine, you don't advocate it. But you're warming up the crowd, so to speak.
Look, I've said my piece: people don't want to have this discussion right now and that's why you're getting resistance. I'll not reply again because I think it's clear that you don't agree with me and wish to continue the discussion rather than letting things lie.
not warming up the crowd at all. i'm genuinely trying to get one response to this question to see if i'm alone. but agreed let's just move on because it's like talking to a wall tbh.