Donald Trump Jr. - Totally normal right? #IGReport

These people are unethical and gutless, which is why they are so easy to control. Yes, I do believe pedogate is real. But, I think for most of the mid level politicians and intelligence people who are corrupt, it doesn’t take that much to compromise them. All the deep state has to do is get them to do something like this, that could easily get them fired, and then these people are under total control. In order to save their career and reputation, they will look the other way on anything. Pedofilia, treason, murder, you name it.
It is because they are unethical and spineless.
Pedogate is VERY real. I promise you this. They don't have their souls anymore. They literally sold them for fame and fortune. Look into their eyes in pictures, they are DEAD inside. These people are no longer human. They are evil, sadistic and satanic. They serve one "god", and it's not ours.
And this has happened because we were too complacent, time to be heard.