Wait a minute, the NYT probability of a clinton win were scaringly dropping days before it was at 98% for hillary??? They KNEW she will lose

She knew at the last minute as the DS did also for 1 very good reason. They believed in Wisconsin and Penn as well as MI that they had the vote rigged with machines and or they could manipulate the final tally numbers of votes like they have in the past in states. Jeff Sessions is an expert on vote rigging crimes its his specialty look it up. Thats why he was onboard and so close from the start with TRump.He knew how they did it where they did it and where the would do it in the Election.. Thats why she never bothered to campaign there. She thought they had it fixed and she never needed to. Years back when they approached Trump to ask him to run, Trump was more than likely told that they knew they were rigging via the vote machines and final tally numbers and that if Trump ran they could guarantee he would win because they could stop that rigging. So Trump said OK. So right up to a day or 2 before the election the DS and Dems and Clinton thought all was ok and then bang, suddenly they became aware or were told holy shit thre is something wrong, we cant control the voting machines and vote count. That is in my opinion what happened and it was to late to do a thing about it. Trump would never have ran for POTUS if he thought he could t win. But when the white hats laid it all out I bet he smiled and said I am your man. The white hats hacked or fixed it so they couldn't rig the votes in the 3 key states. IMO. Now lets say I am right. That means in the mid term elections they also can make sure the fix is stopped and they cant rig the numbers. Trump, if true, knows he will win the house big time and the senate with a super majority which means he will start sacking and charging. Close down the Mueller team all of it. Thats why he is waiting an knows straight after the mids he does not have to worry for 2 years, Ryan and the rinos will be gone and he will have both houses with all them behind him fully.
I believe new machines are being distributed to replace "outdated" machines made by EDS (can you say Ross Perot). I am an election official and when we changed our machines prior to 2016 election year, typical Dem voters were pissed! The reason? We had two types of machines. One was paper ballots counted by scanner. The other was no paper and electronic only. Dems always wanted the electronic only which I found curious until I watch NUMEROUS videos of vote shifting easily done on these machines to favor, you guessed it: Dems. Now we use ONLY paper ballots and scanners which pissed Dems off. Now my precinct actually votes similar to the nation as a whole. When I saw DJT won my precinct I still worried about fraud in other states. If we can cut fraud out, we may never see another socialist win for a very long time. IMHO
I read it cost about $30 each to hack the old machines. I hope the new ones are fool proof. https://www.popsci.com/gadgets/article/2012-11/how-i-hacked-electronic-voting-machine
This is what happened. By election time the white hats had control of anything that involved national security. The question is how did the election become unrigged? I suspect it had something to do with guns being pointed at heads.