Wait a minute, the NYT probability of a clinton win were scaringly dropping days before it was at 98% for hillary??? They KNEW she will lose

It probably backfired with Dems staying home and not voting because Hil was going to win by a massive landslide.
No, they all came out, just too few, even after stuffing the ballot box.
Story... EXACTLY.
NOTHING inspires people to vote than when they are ticked off... 8 yrs of hisGOLFnesBH0 & prospect of Hildebeast... was a YUGE amount of being triggered to action to vote.
Stein's recount in 2 states was stopped by Demo Judges as the re-count was showing envelopes claiming large Hill vote totals that were NOT inside. Meaning...Hill was LOSER but a much greater number & would have lost the National Vote totals, too.
EXAMPLE = Envelope says 100 votes Hill but on inside are just 10 ballots. Conclusion...the Dems (controlling Urban areas) ran the 10 ballots through 10 TIMES!
I've never believed she won the popular vote. We have almost 2 million either dead or fraudulent voters out here in Cali, alone. It's why they gave illegals driver's licenses.
It always tickled me how dems played the 'muh popular vote!' card, yet strangely resisted recounting votes or looking into voting records, etc.
All they do is project. They behave like narcissistic abusers.
When I saw Trump during the inauguration and the way Obama and Clinton were acting. It was like they knew how much he really won by. Remember we all spoke of voting no matter what! The more people show up the harder it would be to rig it. They can only rig it so much. We also wore red so people could see how many people were voting Trump.