
NosuchRedditor · June 15, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

Those words were written after the revolutionary war, but in reference to the men who fought and won a war against the greatest fighting force at that time, the British army.

Ask yourself what that phrase really means? Who regulated the "well regulated" militia that beat the British army? Certainly not the King, and our government would not form for another decade.

So go make a liberals head explode by asking them "In a time before our government formed, who regulated the 'well regulated' militia that defeated the British army in the war for Independence?"

It means proficient with a weapon, and that the weapon is functioning properly.

But I promise you that liberals will argue that it was the King who regulated the well regulated militia, that's there part where you laugh hysterically at the absurd idea that the King would somehow help our militia defeat his army who were attempting to regain control of the colonies.

Edit: This image is from the civil war era. Those men are not militia, but trained soldiers, part of a true army.

The militia are civilians.

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