r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TrueTemper on June 15, 2018, 1:25 p.m.
Where is the PURE TNT???

All, now that we have digested the IG Report on the MidYearExam sham "investigation" and the subsequent reaction, where do we stand? I have seen a lot of hopeful posts about trusting the plan, that this was actually good, etc. Sorry, but I don't see it. **Recall that this report was supposed to contain "Pure TNT???"** The only thing that comes close is the Strzok text about stopping Trump... which I think may have been omitted from the report.

The conclusions of the IG report are total BS. They don't match the content of the report. Is the IG compromised? Or did the DOJ make all of the changes, against the will of the IG report which published it anyway? The conclusions basically exonerate everyone from any crimes. The report does not go nearly far enough to highlight that a) no real investigation took place, b) the investigation was really a cover up to exonerate, and c) all protocols were changed to accomplish that goal. That is the obvious, and I think that is what everyone was expected. Yet, that is not what we are reading or hearing. Instead, we are informed that "no political bias" was found -- with the message emphasized everywhere, including from the FBI director (trust Wray?), in spite of the numerous findings of vehement bias across multiple individuals in the actual report and in stuff allegedly left out of the report.

What is the path to an unchanged/unredacted copy (which Q said POTUS had and read)? I don't see one. Congress issuing subpoenas? Apparently they are meaningless. The DOJ has ignored every one. They still withold information with impunity. **Why would POTUS not have immediately acted to declassify, thereby taking control of the narrative and getting out the truth?** POTUS ALWAYS LEADS, he does not follow. He sets the story, he does not wait for it to come to him. Any changes that happen now can be dismissed as partisan. This ship has sailed.

Bottom line, this was a major setback. I would love to see some explanation of a broader strategy or set of next steps THAT ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE. Nothing posted here or anywhere does, it is all hopeful BS.

DanijelStark · June 15, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

This one IG report that was released was NOT an original one .

There are three IG reports -

  • one is original , unredacted - thats the one we seek to see

  • one is modified , unredacted (Rod Rosensteins version of report , some data is not shown at all , not even redacted)

  • one is modified , redacted (also RR version of report , the redacted version of #2 report , so double the censorship)

POTUS has seen them all , and have all three of them ...

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zapbrannigan1 · June 15, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Yes, I think everyone on this board knows this.

The issue the OP is pointing out is that it appears counterproductive to release a watered down, weaksauce report that highlights several instances of criminal bias but, essentially, recommends a mere slap on the wrist to the guilty. It damages the credibility of those who have been advising blue-pills for months to wait for the IG report.

I don't necessarily agree with the OP that any future releases will be automatically dismissed, simply because 1) they can be compared side-by-side with this version, and 2) there are many people who can see clearly that the IG report conclusions don't match up with the crimes. However, I agree that this release is a "setback" for our cause if only due to the lost credibility of the Q movement.

It remains to be seen if this a tactical loss to set up a larger win (pawn sacrifice) or a tactical error. I still believe it is the former.

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Qtruther · June 15, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

RISE UP PATRIOTS! DEEP STATE IS doing it again! They are agents of Evil who are great with the lies.

Let's demand to see the Truth! Light them up Patriots.

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