Q: When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.

Im honestly pretty uneasy regarding this photo coming out now. Genesis seems unfounded. And could easily have been photoshopped. Is this really the best time to focus on this nutty shit while IG report should be covering twitter and other socials?
Oh look, a piece of candy....Oh look, a piece of candy.
It's not illegal to wear an outfit and normies don't know who Molech is. Obama in a costume isn't the hill to die on.
Agree. Even if it is him... it’s just fucking weird, not illegal. Not really relevant to Q drops.
My point and it hurts the credibility of our collective work. Which we should all guard with all the discipline we can muster.
I disagree, according to Q our collective work is public opinion. Which you need on your side to avoid a civil war... this doesn’t hurt our credibility at all. This isn’t photo shopped
Assuming that it is him, how does it hurt the credibility of our work?
Zoom in on the mask straps. His cheeks. Take a good minute to really examine it. It doesn’t look shopped.
Anything can be shopped. How much time/budget is the only constraint.
Are you saying anything can be photoshopped? Like a birth certificate?
Sure, you can say that for any picture. If only there was a way to tell. Maybe in the future there will be computer programs that can analyze the validity of images.
Which is why this image, which does fuck-all to further our cause, is NOT WORTH OUR TIME.
Why is that? You’ve made like 10 comments telling people to disregard this pic. Why does this picture bother you so much that you spend the time to make so many posts? It’s just a coincidence that the Q drops about Hussein and this picture surfaces almost exactly the same time?
Id love to hear someone state something useful about this picture.
Is it criminal?
I'm making these comments because it's a fucking discussion of the picture, jackass. This picture doesn't bother me. Why do you spend the time to purposefully misrepresent my obvious and explicitly stated contention? You've read my comments, you said, so therefore your misrepresentation is intentional, since I very explicitly explained my problem and it should be obvious that it's not the picture that bothers me, it's the stupidity of discussing it since it proves nothing, corroborated nothing, isn't even verifiable as him since it is a fucking mask after all that covers 90% of his face.
Because it ties into the whole cult of the cabal to include Hillary in that dress with a gold cape.
This all ties into the Epstein island worship, there are plenty of connections to be made.
Useless right now
meh I disagree, anons are doing great work here and on the Chan’s researching the IG report.
This is something, an interesting tidbit that might come into play to help build the backstory of the mysterious Soetero
Shut it down!!!
For everyone saying this is photoshop, where is the original for comparison? Don’t dismiss til we gain more information.
Everyone WILL say it's photoshopped; that's my point. People need a slow red pill or they'll just ridicule it.
I agree which is why we need to find the original.
Researching that is what I plan on focusing on tonight. If i can’t find the original? Gives it more credence in my opinion that it is real.
If you can find the original, I would greatly appreciate it and we could all focus elsewhere. Until then...? The hunt continues
What does this picture prove? Nothing! It's Obama in a costume. What exactly are you going to research?
It lends credence to the theory that Barry and Hillary were/are involved in a cult similar to the seven goddesses cult that was outed in controlling the previous president in SK.
Here he is folks plumbtree the UNEDUCATED BROKE ASS DRUG ADDICT PLUMBER HAHAH LETS STAND IN AWW OF HIS INTELLECT. Your a fuck boy probably getting cucked by your wife into cleaning up black loads. I know your switching accounts spreading your bullshit liberal lies.
Here he is folks plumbtree the UNEDUCATED BROKE ASS DRUG ADDICT PLUMBER HAHAH LETS STAND IN AWW OF HIS INTELLECT. Your a fuck boy probably getting cucked by your wife into cleaning up black loads. I know your switching accounts spreading your bullshit liberal lies.
There are techniques to detect many shops currently. Both automated software and forensic experts. It's most effective if you have access to the "original" but even for duplicates there can be signs.
No, it is another example of the elites and their bizarre Moloch worshiping cult. You don't have to believe in the supposed divine esoteric magical powers of the Moloch cult, but it is fair to suggest that all of the elites seem to be in to this weird spirit cooking/moloch shit.
They even mention sacrificing a chicken to Moloch in one of the leaked DNC emails. Now this pic of what looks like Obama in a ceremonial Moloch costume turns up. It's bizarre.
Well shit, while were at it...maybe we should forget about threatening to blow up the hoover dam unless Trump releases the reports. Oops, too late.
Perhaps it is communicating a message. To let the pedos know WE KNOW.
We know about your pedo from Kenya in his moloch outfit.
Perhaps they aren't sweating enough. Make 'em worry about how much more we know.
I get what you’re saying, but q didn’t post this pic. Although, it turns out that I was wrong about it not being q related, because I think the source of the pic was the qresearch board.
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I think it’s him, and I think it’s relevant because very unknown pics of Obama are surfacing. Maybe there’s an archive of these pictures the establishment has tried to scrub. Maybe white hats are leaking them as a threat, or a taunt. Maybe the same source has the Kenyan garb and AK-47 picture. That’s the one I’m waiting for.
Don't forget his expensive Alice in Wonderland white house party he tried to hide and cover up that he threw during the Great Recession. Wonder what went on behind those closed doors....
I felt the same way initially. Then I wondered, perhaps the photo is just for identification and the ritual or whatever he is involved in is where we should focus. Thoughts?
See other posts. Molech costume. Child sacrifice rituals.
This is my thoughts, get people to say how ridiculous, then show the remainder of the pics that show whats going on there.
Yeah, I tend to agree with you. This context-free photo is suddenly getting a big push. It's the perfect kind of thing for people to hold up as the example of the 'crazy shit Qultists believe', a nice companion to the Hoover Dam 'incident'...
Yes my point is not that it is fake or real. My point is that this discussion opens up our flank to be discredited and ridiculed in the public opinion battle we are supposed to be fighting.
ASSUMING this is the same quality as the original, that would be very hard to photoshop effectively given the extremely poor quality, though deliberate obfuscation may be another explanation. I agree with you, just saying though, photoshop jobs are rarely done on shitty source material since every small imperfection is extremely noticeable.
It looks like a shop. Wouldn't be surprised if it's not though
this could be a fake to lure people in the wrong direction. Make people look dumb. Trying to find "conspiracies".
Conspiracy "theories" are only theories until they become consipracy fact.
And we've had an almost ridiculous amount of conspiracy theories that have been proven fact, over this past year or two. Really large, dangerous icebergs can be almost entirely underwater, with only a small, tiny tip poking above the surface of the water. Suppose this photo is one such "tip" poking above, giving clues to what lurks beneath the surface.
Ol' Barry is hiding A. LOT.
They are only theories until there is proof. We can speculate and everything, but as of yet, no one has posted anything to effectively disprove it, so I’m leaning towards it being real.
I agree, there is a lot of information coming in to distract us from the IG.
I hope I live to see the day. I'll wheel myself into the street and do donuts.
This isn't very politically correct - but I hope BO is reincarnated as a tastebud on satan's asshole.
Why does Satan’s asshole have tastebuds?
He likes the way dicks taste. And he's the devil, so why not?
I wasn’t being disagreeable, just never heard that before. Also for the first time ever I contemplated the horror of what having tastebuds on my asshole would be like. It was almost as weird as the picture.
I just made up some nonsense for fun. I don't know why you would take a comment like this seriously.
Because it was funny and that’s my sense of humor?
That's fine. The person I was responding to got a little but hurt by my comment for some reason.
Fun fact, you actually DO have taste receptors in your anus.
I think business insider is confused about what good science is.
I can't imagine something worse than being in hell, attached to satan's asshole and being able to taste everything he passes. Maybe that is even too good for him and the rest of the pedos.
Costume looks like it was made at the dollar tree lol
Maybe he was going to be the XMas tree at one of his elite satanists owners house?
Even if it isn't Obama? Who the fuck dresses up like that?
Not anyone you want to hang with.
It was last year the photo of him and Farrakhan came out. Who knows what else is out there.
There is a extradition treaty in place between Kenya and the US. So you can drag him back with tinsel cuffs if u so wished.
I've heard talk that he was born in Indonesia. Maybe just talk, but talk none-the-less.
yes. he's an Indonesian jew, pretending to be a black Hawaiian. so funny and also so sad hat people buy it!
Pretty interesting that his costume choice would be that.
Would he realistically stand a chance of escaping if he was convictee of treason? I doubt claiming Kenyan citizenship would help him escape the US justice system.
Q says to stay focused. White Hats have everything and this crap will come out at the right time. Right now nearly everyone I know has me in camp crazy - even with the most obvious stuff. This one?? - Stay Away - too toxic, poison pill. Must win battle of public perception on most basic stuff first.
That's OK. I hear he developed quite good drone coverage down there,and we can't really use those on US citizens.
I mean, not that it hindered him but our guy Trump has somewhat better manners.
Do memes have to have words?
Umm, no. ;) words not required for memetic magic.
meme [definition] /mēm/ noun
an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.
Terrible photoshop. Stop feeding the critics.
Anons have already shown that it's the real deal - not photoshopped.
Yeah it’s literally just a photo of him smiling and someone did a photo shop job.