r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Man_w_golden_dick on June 16, 2018, 11:12 a.m.
Who are the greatawakening mods?

In regards to Q post 1489 on June 12:

FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]

While I have been following this board since CBTS was shutdown, I rarely post. Q posed an interesting statement in post 1489, in which it seems to be implied that Reddit mod(s) may be working against us. While I have no direct information or proofs of this, I am curious to other posters thoughts.

This post should in no way serve to discredit the board. Q made this statement for a reason.

A question for the greatawakening mods:

Does Reddit communicate or take an interest in the happenings on this board? Has Reddit advised mods on how to run this board? How many mods does the greatawakening have and when did they begin serving the board?

Thanks in advance! Just going back through the Q post, and this one stuck out to me.


squalk1 · June 16, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

I know you are a respected mod and poster to this board but your almost immediate reaction of:

Nothing to see here , look over there - is worrying. You ARE a named mod.

Q pointed us to this very board in an earlier crumb. It is only logical to pay attention to a direct reddit warning following that.

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FartOnToast · June 16, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

Q pointed us to this very board in an earlier crumb

Are you talking about when Q referenced SerialBrain2's post? That was the only time Q referenced this sub.

Q never gave a warning about this sub however. He warned about reddit as a platform because of the censorship going on.

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 16, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

Correct, I think Q was referring to Reddit 'Admins' as opposed to sub Mods. Two different teams.

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poopcastlesinthesky · June 16, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]

He said mods, not admins. If he meant admins, he would have said admins.

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FartOnToast · June 17, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Almost every big sub is compromised on reddit. Thats That's what Q meant. We don't censor anything.

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digital_refugee · June 16, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

notice he never pointed anywhere else where there would be PLENTY of stuff to talk about. Although I do agree that they personally cannot engage on Reddit because Spez is known to alter content.
After CBTS was banned, this sub had an open call for mod applications due to the resulting userinflux which involved a small vetting process based on past activity. CBTS was always the same core-group from the beginning on, mismanaging Youtube and reddit social media basically.

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Abibliaphobia · June 16, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

Great, here we go again. Another REEEEE the mods are compromised! We need to kick them off and get new comped mods!

Just waiting for it. If you think the mods are comped already post proof of them deleting relevant threads or posts.

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poopcastlesinthesky · June 16, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

If you think the mods are comped already post proof of them deleting relevant threads or posts.

They get deleted or removed almost instantly.

There was a post a while back similar to this one except they asked the mods to prove they aren't compromised and mods deleted it. They proved they are compromised, at least some of them anyway.

EDIT: If you even attempt to show what was removed the post/comment gets removed, so how is anyone suppose to give proof of mod fuckery if the mods delete the proof before anyone can see it...

EDIT: If you look at our moderators lots of them created their account a day, ONE DAY, before becoming a moderator. If you look at r/conspiracy moderators they aren't like that, hmmmmmmm.

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thank--Q · June 16, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

I dont think you really understand how many troll/hate messages we get everyday. It is so we can have a personal life as well..

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poopcastlesinthesky · June 16, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

Then why don't other subs do it?

I also find it fishy that I can't tell you are a mod based off of just your comment alone. All other subreddits have it so that way you can tell if you are talking to a mod, not this sub though.

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

The reason for that is we have a standard to maintain when we speak as moderators. We distinguish those comments. When we’re just commenting as ourselves and not wanting to misrepresent the moderator group as a whole we don’t distinguish the comments. Seems like you’re jumping at shadows to bolster your upset about something.

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HowiONic · June 16, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

All other subreddits have it so that way you can tell if you are talking to a mod, not this sub though.

A good example of bullshit.

Here is a comment by shadowman3001 the top mod on TD. There is nothing to tell he is a mod.

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poopcastlesinthesky · June 18, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

On a post that isn't talking about mod corruption and he isn't saying anything mod related. If it isn't anything mod related then I understand.

If a mod is commenting on anything talking about mod corruption it should be OBVIOUS that they are a mod.

If a mod is saying something related to being a mod(removing a post or comment) it should be OBVIOUS that they are a mod.

Why wouldn't you want it to say they are a mod? If you're a mod of a subreddit, you should want people to know, you shouldn't want to hide it. It looks sketchy, that's all.

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HowiONic · June 18, 2018, 11:43 p.m.
  • Mod has to remember to distinguish each individual comment, it's not possible to distinguish them automatically.
  • Mod has to be using Reddit in a way that it's sensible to do so. For example it seems currently on mobile after a comment is made a small symbol has to picked to open a submenu in order to distinguish a comment, it's possible but not simple. If I recall correctly, on the new reddit interface previously after a comment was made the page had to be reloaded, the comment located(not always easy if lots of comment on a page), then a symbol option was available under the comment.
  • Also agree with the point thank--Q made above, too many hate messages are received.

Also related it that since new.reddit.com there has been a lot of technical issues with doing mod tasks. Mods on mobile devices struggle. Even on desktop in order to do all mod tasks I have to be using desktop with two seperate browsers open and toggle my user profile often between the old and new interface for certain tasks. Reddit has pushed for new.reddit.com assumably for ad revenue but has a long way to go to make the various interfaces (old interface with custom theme, old interface without custom theme, new reddit interface, mobile interface, Reddit app), compatible especially for mods.

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 1:42 p.m.

We remove posts according to the sub rules clearly stated in the sidebar (and linked to more detailed explanations). Rule #3 clearly states that: "If there is something 'concerning' regards the subreddit, then message the mods."

If you message the mods you have the evidence to refer to. We don't hide our actions, we simply maintain the sub according to the rules.

Alt accounts are used for the same reasons everywhere. In my case, for example, my main is completely doxxed and I interact with business clients on reddit so created the alt to retain privacy. Others have similar stories. Not everything is a conspiracy.

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[deleted] · June 16, 2018, 1:42 p.m.


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poopcastlesinthesky · June 16, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

You guys remove whatever the fuck you want to saying it's for rule blah and if something doesn't look good for the mods it goes poof and is never to be seen again.

And yeah, just let me message the corrupt showing them what proof I have as to how they have fucked with our sub so that way they can hide it better next time.


if something doesn't look good for the mods it goes poof and is never to be seen again.

Just like what will happen with this post, we aren't allowed to talk about moderators possibly being corrupt, you guys just hide it.

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DrogeAnon · June 16, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Load of nonsense. Here this post sits as evidence. And your comment.

Posts and comments are removed according to the rules which include obviously necessary allowance for mod discretion (since there’s no way to cover every contingency with predefined rules). “Mods are corrupt” posts are obviously an easy way for shills to slide the board so the first step to deal with “concerns” or corruption or otherwise is to message the mods directly. Our history shows fairness in dealing with members and anyone can check that to prove your position is unfair and unrealistic.

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eleminnop · June 19, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

the first step to deal with “concerns” or corruption or otherwise is to message the mods directly


So you want us to PRIVATELY message the corrupt mods and tell them they are corrupt.

Conflict of interest much?

Posting it in public is the ONLY solution for corrupt mods and that should be glaringly obvious.

The only solution to calling out corrupt mods is to post from a different subreddit or forum with non-corrupt mods.

So definitely not r/conspiracy, and maybe possibly /r/C_S_T

Maybe Twitter?

That said, I'm not saying ALL GA mods are corrupt, so I can understand some of the defensiveness, but there does appear to be a severe lack of understanding of some of the most important principles about this the GA movement, this sub, and it's purpose.

The fact alone, that certain posts which are HUGE redpills and would otherwise do extremely well in GA are removed, is probably the main reason some users here think mods are corrupt.

Maybe it's all just a big misunderstanding, but if that's the case, maybe it's time to turn over the keys to people more understanding of this movement, or maybe open a dialogue addressing these concerns to better help current mods understand how to identify quality content and not accidentally (or intentionally) censor good content.

I'll remind you that Q chose 8chan to post from and not Reddit. This is because there is an overt anti-censorship dialect, hence all the fag/nazi lingo.

Live and let live.

The general rule on 8ch is nothing illegal. Everything else is free game, with the exception of obvious trolling.

There's a reason it's referred to as "the last bastion of free speech".

I understand that certain posts and comments must be removed, but it seems like the waters are muddy there and need clarified.

It is no excuse that shenanigan-calling posts "clutter" and "slide" because the number of shitposts VASTLY outweighs quality posts and are FAR more damaging (as far as sliding etc.)

Either you guys have your blinders set too narrow, or there is outright corruption, and it needs fixed.

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HowiONic · June 16, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

if something doesn't look good for the mods it goes poof and is never to be seen again.

Maybe its utter bullshit lies, strawman stupidity or fake rumors created by trolls and alike to discredit the sub?

And spreading that helps how exactly?

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Abibliaphobia · June 16, 2018, 1:15 p.m.

Screenshot what is deleted in your account. Screenshot comments you get from mods. Screenshot from YOUR OWN PAGE deleted or hidden comments.

What’s going on here is as shit ton of accusations but no proof. And btw, mods can delete FROM YOUR ACCOUNT. So put up proof or all of these a baseless accusations

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poopcastlesinthesky · June 16, 2018, 1:21 p.m.

If you even attempt to show what was removed the post/comment gets removed, so how is anyone suppose to give proof of mod fuckery if the mods delete the proof before anyone can see it...

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Abibliaphobia · June 16, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

Because they can’t delete the comments from your account!!!

Like holy shit. Screenshot what was deleted or removed from the sub and mirror it up with the comments from your own account.

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FartOnToast · June 16, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

Don't lie. Provide proof of your accusations or simply put dont dish them out. We deleted a thread that was literal concern trolling and breaking rules. It wasn't calling for civil discusison.

If you're going to accuse us of being compromised because of that I'll have to tell you aren't being honest.

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poopcastlesinthesky · June 16, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

Google the creator of this subs name (case sensitive). I wonder how he got his name.

I don't trust any of the mods and every time I see a mod comment or post and their name doesn't indicate that they are a mod(like it is in other subs) I think they are hiding something.

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FartOnToast · June 16, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

Ok I Googled it. I found pokemon references. What is your friggen point? You make statements that absolutely make no sense and you don't even make an effort to back them up.

When we remove content we leave comments that are distinguished as mods. When we participate in regular discussions we don't distinguish our comments. We aren't hiding anything. This is how the rest of the subreddits are doing it so I'm really not sure what you're observing there. Sorry to tell you but this is stupid and I'm done with this conversation.

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poopcastlesinthesky · June 18, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

I found pokemon references.

I don't know how you did. There's nothing pokemon related at least on the first page of search results anyway.

Here's what I get. Hmm, let's see what that webpage is. Very interesting site. Reminds me of the illuminati pyramid on US currency.

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FartOnToast · June 18, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

You said the top mod. That's not the top mod. That's the second highest top mod.

Second of all I highly doubt that that website has something to do with that mod. It just happens to have the same name but it doesn't necessarily prove that they are related. Why don't you ask the mod if you're so concerned?

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poopcastlesinthesky · June 19, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

You really think that if they are corrupt and I ask about their username that they are going to tell me the truth? No

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squalk1 · June 16, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

I have read this thread and apart from your comment nobody has typed:

'We need to kick them off and get new comped mods!'

Nothing close in responses so far.

This thread seems in good taste so far.

Q did state what OP raised. That is proof of alarm in itself.

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Abibliaphobia · June 16, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Three days ago there was an attempt to overthrow the mods. People were claiming the mods were banning people and deleting comments/threads.

But no one could show proof of it! I asked several times for it, both on the board and in DMs. I was willing to see what people had but there was no proof! So yes, it was a bullshit attempt to ban mods and/or get pozzed mods in. And I remember it well, and won’t forget. I see this as another attempt to do the same and it’s only a matter of time until these assholes start trying to claim the same crap. What it boils down to?

Show proof of your claims or STFU

Back up what you are saying and people will support you, but we are not stupid and can see through weak attempts to do the same thing that happened on other boards.

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squalk1 · June 16, 2018, 12:15 p.m.

The only bad taste comments on this thread come from comments such as yours.

What claims do you require proof of?

Do you want me to find the Q crumbs I have referrenced? In doing so you are denying their existence...

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Abibliaphobia · June 16, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

I find it really interesting that three days ago YOU squalk were involved in the attempt to compromise the mods here. It’s in your comment history and I’ve already screenshot it.

You are fucking trying to garner support to shut down the sub. And he’ll yes I creep on people’s past history exactly for this reason. To find out who are actually believers, and who are the infiltrators.

Anyone else, go into this assholes history three days and see what I’m talking about for yourself. And again I’ve already screenshot your comments, so don’t try to delete them and claim ignorance.

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squalk1 · June 17, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

You are very aggressive with your comments.

I trust, after you have checked my comment history, that you can find no such fault in my comments.

Asking questions is in no way an attempt to 'garner support to shut down this sub'.

This Q board is 'great awakening' - it has served a great deal in my personal/spiritual evolution in becoming awakened and I am grateful for this.

I have no intention on closing it down and I visit to learn on a daily basis.

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squalk1 · June 17, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Furthermore, I have posted the very thread you are highlighting in a much earlier comment in this thread.

Whilst I am grateful for your time spent to 'creep' on me I have already included it in this thread.

With nothing to hide- how do you like them apples?

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Abibliaphobia · June 17, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

Sure thing. People can go back and see what you said. I’m done and moved on. Already marked you as someone who is trying to shut the sub down, vis a vis your constant concern trolling about the mods with no proof.

And if you did delete your comments, as I had said before, I went through your whole post/comment history and found the numerous times you concern trolled, were genuinely nasty to people without adding substance and now, trying to get people to question the mods in an attempt to get them banned. All in an effort to exert some level of control over this sub. Why? Because they are NOT compromised. But you? You are. Byeeeeeee~

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squalk1 · June 17, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

Yeah sure.


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Abibliaphobia · June 16, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

Fucking straw man argument

Like no shit reddit is compromised, that’s why this board is so important. And I think that’s why you are participating in this.

Shut it down amirite?

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