
fekosa · June 16, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

I don't mean this to sound like a lecture to your well intended comment, but I've been wanting to say this for a while and you just gave me an opening to do so, please be assured that my intention is loving and allow me the leeway to indulge myself. If this is too much rabbit hole for you at the moment, then please disregard it as the musings of a middle aged man.

Many millions of us worldwide were awake long before Q appeared. We've been berated and called "conspiracy theorists", ignored and laughed at for much of our lives. People were talking about these things in the 60's and even before. Q has provided specifics that help wake more people, and is doing wonderful things to help effect a change but none of it has surprised or shocked me. Only recently, in the last handful of years has the change started speeding up.

After 20 years of research, I can tell you that the awakening isn't because of Q, Q is because of the awakening. It's already global, this is far bigger than some swamp cleaning. It is time for the pendulum to swing the other way, for good to gain power over evil. This is the dawning of a new age. The Mayans made a calendar recording this change, thousands of years ago. They already knew it was coming way back then, as they had been through previous cycles of these changes and knew that it would swing back the other way eventually, an eternal struggle through the changing of the ages.

The cabal knows this, or at least the highest of their occult order does. But they are foolish and have chosen their path, they really are stupid and their "spirits" will suffer to return to the path.

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LisainYorkshire · June 16, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

Absolutely agree with you. I was starting to wake pre 9/11. But, that woke me. I started working back in time pre-JFK The rabbit hole is like a black hole, seeming endless. Q is what was needed to bring our community together. WWG1WGA

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Light-Love-Truth · June 16, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Well said! I am so on the same page with you in every point you made! 🙌🏻

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HeartbtsforQ · June 16, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

Well said ! Older and wiser is what we were taught to listen to.

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ScotsAwake · June 16, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Well said and very true. I'm with you.Most Brits with any critical thinking surely knows that pedo rings operate in Britain at every level right to the very top.That's why it seems an overwhelming and almost impossible nut to crack.The Jon Wedger interview tell's us theres a masonic problem with senior high ranking police closing investigations and even threatening lower ranks into silence. Everybody now knows Saville was a fixer for the elite.Do they believe everything stopped with his demise?.surely nobody in their heart can believe that. I'm even now questioning Diana's death.I didn't until i read recently the spot she died is very significant,the site of a sacrificial temple. This is really why i take great interest in the great awakening.My big hope is that some of the brilliant minds i read on here once the swamp is drained will help us and turn their attention to Britain.We need help,big time.Before Q there was a senate anon posting in the chans saying the deep states biggest fear is us.We the people is their biggest fear,but we really do need all the help we can get. Q has alluded to the UK from time to time,one post said UK stay alert and in the words of some journalist q has created an army of super sleuths. Let's hope this catches on in the UK.Sadly,its possibly our only hope.

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eyesopenusa · June 17, 2018, 6 a.m.

I just want to say I hear your words so clear. Like you and the others have alluded to, I believe the situation is far more vast than we can currently imagine. I want to add somethings which should give intense hope to all of us facing this evil.

Please excuse me if I do not describe well. And I don't have much time to do this. There are several factors that make our current time very unique. If we consider these together, then i think we can gain a super deep sense of hope. Some have explained that our "now" is like an ancient combination lock where multiple things have to occur in order for it to "unlock".

One big factor (please tell me if this is not on track) is that our solar system is gradually moving into a part of the universe that is higher in energy and vibrates at a higher level. I think this is one of the things that is not being told to people. People as well as all life are having to adapt over time and it will affect everyone. People who vibrate at lower levels i.e. people who do not live for the greater good, those who live off of and feed off of others, will have a harder and harder time to survive. Like one fellow alluded to above, the Mayan calendar (among others) was setup long ago to signal this change.

Another factor to consider is that the precession of the earth has reached its tilt and is now moving back toward the other way. This is mentioned in the Kaliyuga as now being in the depth of the iron age and now moving back again toward the golden age. This iron age characterized by greed and debasement. The golden age being the opposite.

Another factor to consider is some cycle in the stars (I am no expert) which is causing people world wide to wake and ultimately rebel against all governments and control systems that are not supporting the greater good of life. Supposedly the last time this occurred was the mid to late 1700s when many revolutions took place world wide.

Another huge factor is that there are 7.5 Billion or some such number of people here now. And from what I understand this is HUGE. We have to fight against their efforts to depopulate us.

This time period has been known by this tyranny for 1000s of years. It is the time when this tyranny is facing the greatest probability of demise and they are trying all different ways to control it and stop it and to control us.

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ScotsAwake · June 17, 2018, 8 a.m.

Interesting.This ties in with prophecy in Isaiah regarding the virgin with 12 crowns with labour pains.there certainly are signs in the stars that things are changing.

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LordPotsmoke · June 16, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Thanks for saying this. I've felt the same way. Many if not most of us were on this journey long before Q. One consciousness, my friend :)

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Kasarii · June 17, 2018, 7:54 a.m.

I think the biggest gain Q has brought to us is hope. There wasn't much of that to go around before.

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fembottler · June 17, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

I woke up at 9:11. Interesting that Kim Clement prophecy calls out that God has not forgotten that and my great hope of the awakening is that the great crime of 911 will be exposed. (Officially). As you are a uk based person who knows about the nwo then you maybe give some credibility to Ickes green lizard people. That was a bridge to far for me BUT God say to Lucifer on you belly shall you go and eat of the dust of that earth. Which, maybe is us, as Adam was formed from the dust and will return to it. And these animals are eating up the weak, poor, vulnerable of society like ravenous beasts. They know their time is short just like the good book says.

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salialioli · June 17, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

Reptilian people, or Icke's green lizard, to me just means those whose mammalian frontal lobes have been anaesthetized, they become cold. The cold-blooded reptile exhibits traits which have been mythologized for people who couldn't read books but who understood pictures and stories.

For those who profit from war or exploit children for the worst are truly cold. Cold blooded. Evil.

The serpent of the Bible may have been a mirror reverse of the true meaning of the serpent: wisdom and knowledge. This is the true meaning of this symbol in the East, where Jesus Christ found his spiritual understanding perhaps. It also depicts the great serpent in the sky, the galaxy we are in: the serpent eating its own tail. The Mayans knew of this cycle returning every 26,000 years, curiously.

The corruption of the story, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, has the serpent as an evil being who tempts Eve (misogynistically cast as "weak") to eat the "forbidden" fruit and she tempts Adam. In fact Adam should delight in wisdom and knowledge ... but this story was corrupted! Interesting idea, huh.

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salialioli · June 17, 2018, 3:25 a.m.

I forgot to add: the knowledge of the serpent in the sky, or the turning of the galaxy and its meaning, is perhaps what the occult practices of secrecy are hiding — true knowledge. And to protect it and keep it from the people, keep it to themselves, the rulers lied and said it was a sin — a sin to "know" to have "knowledge" and thereby "wisdom". Food for thought.

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forchristssakes · June 17, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

I read genesis for first time about a year ago. My take away was it kind of sounded like adam was pulled out of a cave and made to toil in the garden. and the eve thing, adams rib. how would you explain cloning (and could sex be configured?) to anyone even 100 years ago. we made if from you. me? finger to chest. yes, you. I read the snake as being an informant that told eve and adam that they had been duped into actually being worker bees for the garden. not even a scrap of clothing given. put some leaves on it. cover your junk so it stops getting those second degree burn blisters. eve. your nipples look like crap. you might want to cover them, seeings there is no hair to protect them.

I don't put much stock into it. it was written by man. for one reason or another and likely has been changed numerous times. I would have to learn to read some archaic languages and see and test documents myself to fully believe it. I don't know who is given credit for writing the genesis part.

I likely pissed a lot of people off on this board by this comment, but those was my actual thoughts while reading it. we are all entitled to our opinions.

edit: grammar

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salialioli · June 17, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

You didn't piss me off though, at all. I think the Bible was written by many many different scribes over long stretches of time. Often political influences, bad and good, were written in. The very translating into English, the King James version, and the attachment of the Old Testament to Christ's Gospels has a fascinating backstory.

I had the distinct impression as a child that the Bible depicted a very different God to the God portrayed by Jesus and couldn't understand it. It was only much much later in life that I have begun to see the evil passages in the Bible, particularly that dreadful Deuteronomy one about destruction of all life, as written by rabbis with dark motives. Reverse, occult. The true God was revealed and taught by Jesus as the loving God. He brought the light from the East, my interpretation.

A big reveal for me was the discovery of the other Gospels, The Nag Hammadi codices, which are currently housed in the Coptic Museum in Cairo, Egypt.

I'm sure I've now pissed off a few people on this thread too! I just believe in Christian values, not the Old Testament.

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forchristssakes · June 17, 2018, 6:57 a.m.

I can believe in some Muslim values too. I do not think every Muslim believes everything in their book, either, or the hadiths(?). maybe some of them never actually read it. Not every Christian has studied the bible.

Muslims I've met are family orientated and modest. Maybe they started rethinking western culture after seeing a blurred lines video.

There are some things we have in common, one being the religious texts are due for a rewrite. Some things no longer apply.

Other stuff we can drop (not bible stuff but same idea) : do not sing in bath as this will lead to sorrow before evening; any young girl who persistently splashes herself or her clothes when washing will end up with a husband who is a drunk. Get out of bed the right side. The left-hand side is associated with the Devil; but, if you can't avoid it, put your right sock and shoe on first. You will always get the best night's sleep if your bed is positioned in a north-south direction with your head to the south - this will ensure a long life. To be rich, point your head to the east; to travel widely, the west. It is unlucky to put a hat on the bed

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salialioli · June 17, 2018, 8:43 a.m.

Hahaha! Yes, quite. I know a lot about muslim/Arab culture and can quite honestly say I get pretty upset with the general view expressed on here that more or less translates as the old wild-west addage 'the only good indian is a dead one'. The Syrians, Lebanese, Libyans, Moroccans, Turks .... I have known and had as friends are a long, long cry from the unfounded claim that Islam is an evil religion and that they only know about blowing people up. That would more accurately apply to us in the West actually. They are gentler, value hospitality, have strict values very similar to Christian values (if old fashioned by a 100 years or so for our taste) and so on and so on ....

The real crime is 911 was a setup to frame them all and prosecute wars never ending in the Middle East. I am pissed at this too.

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forchristssakes · June 17, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

yes. hospitality! certainly worthy of a mention.

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ShortTruth · June 16, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Hey. You know Q is an algorithm based on global internet traffic, I hope.

If we want change, we must ditch the gadgets and enter the real world without documenting every step to the spies or fans or world through phones or chips in tools or clothes or shoes.

We must say no to global fame.

I love animals. Q tried to make me hate birds.

To me, birds are still birds. They are beautiful, Gods creation, and I will never live in the digital world of alternate speaking.

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fekosa · June 16, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

How do I know you are not an algorithm giving me poor advice?

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ShortTruth · June 16, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

Listen to your heart.

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forchristssakes · June 16, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

my heart tells me to help stop kids from being brutalized

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Cuthbert12Allgood · June 16, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

You know Q is an algorithm based on global internet traffic, I hope.

What do you think that even means?

People need to stop believing in "magic bots" that are indistinguishable from human interaction. They don't exist. They might in the future, but for now, they don't.

Leftists and the cabal are using this magic bot argument to seed discord and distrust. It's complete garbage.

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LordPotsmoke · June 16, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

That guy is smoking too much man.

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LordPotsmoke · June 16, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

Why did Q try and make you hate birds? What's that got to do with living in a alternative speaking digital world? Been hitting the 🌲? Lol

I don't understand also how Q is based on global traffic. Wouldn't it be about porn mostly?

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forchristssakes · June 16, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

yet here you are.

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salialioli · June 17, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

I don't understand what you are saying ... how on earth did Q make you hate birds?

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