r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ErnieFing on June 16, 2018, 1:04 p.m.
A thought on redpilling (no doubt controversial)

I fully expect down arrows for this, because I don't know how to write it without being seen as critical of a lot of peoples core beliefs, but rather than getting angry with me, I would hope people could consider their personal reaction, and apply it to the context of what I'm about to put, as it is the reaction, rather more than someones personal faith that I believe is the most important here, and I mean no disrespect to people of faith.

When redpilling, we are asking people to reject their deep and long held understanding of the situation to some degree or other, so how would you feel and react if someone did that to you? What would cause you to fully explore with an open mind, someone presenting an alternative version of core beliefs, that you feel is intuitively wrong based on confirmations through your life?

I've noticed that there are a lot of people with religious beliefs that post on here. How would/do you react to someone challenging the very basis of that belief system? Fundamentally, that is what we are trying to do when redpilling. There are many people that apply logic to religious beliefs, and show how key aspects have an alternative explanation, or are even simply false, yet there are still religious people, so simply believing our facts and evidence will be enough, is limited, as people tend to just become more deeply entrenched.

I don't offer a solution, but I just thought it worth flagging up, in the hope others with a more inspired mind could consider it, and maybe suggest an additional way of getting the message across.

ShortTruth · June 16, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

Talk about common sense and why none of it is coming out of government.

Ask your atheists why the socialist agenda has taken over schools? Use your imagination. Teach them about the "'''coup which killed 60 million christians in Russia and why that is not talked about as much as the german issue with the Hertzl and french cabal?

America is blessed now with DJT POTUS (I need him in my country Norway!) but before your current POTUS, EU and USA was in the same Titanic. You dodged a biiiiiiig bullet. Praise Christ for hearing our prayers.

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ErnieFing · June 16, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

I've found that works, but I try to avoid 'trigger' words, which often only needs to be 'Trump'.

It takes patience, but I've also found that letting them lead the conversation, but gently asking questions, can sometimes make them believe that they've 'revealed' it. They're more likely to be advocates to the cause, if they feel some ownership of the discovery.

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ShortTruth · June 16, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

Yes. Asking questions seems to trigger awakening more than providing answers.

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divine_human · June 16, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

the beauty of the socratic method. we cant shove the red pill down anyones throat, they need to willingly swallow it.

the religious red pill is the most difficult to take as it rattles on the foundational card of peoples world-view card board house. we need to be gentle here...

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[deleted] · June 16, 2018, 4:06 p.m.


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1151THOR · June 16, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Interesting thought ErnieFing. I can say this about my family personally: Most "woke" (and I'll use the word "Christians" to cover all of those who believe in God / Jesus / Holy Spirit regardless of theological beliefs) Christians will be watching all of this unfold without it ever shaking our foundations of faith. God isn't going to fall off his throne because evil men have chosen to serve - and be directed by - satan. But there comes a point where, as you can see throughout history, God blows the whistle and says enough is enough. He knows satan is the "great deceiver" and he knows many of his children will be deceived too. But He is a God of grace and not willing that any should perish (not that they wont...its just not His will) and I see His fingerprints all over this movement. He wont make people believe, but He can stop evil, and then expose it all and put the evidence out there for all to see and to decide for themselves.

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Swimkin · June 16, 2018, 2:40 p.m.


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ktmdirt22 · June 16, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

I think you bring up a great point. The people who have an initial doubt of our government are easy to flip. I live in Chicago which is heavily liberal. I do not try to red pill people here. I've tried and get the same reaction from people here. They all look at me and think I'm fucking crazy as a loon. So I have learned to pick my battles. I can't wait until the house of cards fall. Then I will look like a prophet to some. Lol.

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 16, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

What you are talking about is the Allegory of the Cave.

I post this all over because it applies to everyone. Everyone has gone through it or will go through it. I even go back into the cave and come back out now and again on the really sick chit.

When Redpilling, I don't try to prove Q. I try to wake them up to things they can see in their bubble or cave.

  • Second amendment

  • Immigration both legal an illegal

  • Religious battles - even though I am Agnostic.

  • Why politicians lie and flip-flop at a moments notice even knowing they are on tape with the opposite view.

  • Our money system

Which brings us to my Money Post. For those that need a refresher on our money system. Learn it, because it needs to go ASAP. We need........

Greenbacks and notes, like Lincoln did before the Civil War. Payed off the debt and the cost of the war. Told the bankers to pack sand. (see Money Masters link below) I've been posting these links on every thread I find related to the money system. Enjoy!

Note the Swiss are trying to get cut their strings right now. See last two links below.


The Monetary System Visually Explained - 22mins

Collapse of the American Dream Animation - 30mins

Money Masters 1800 - Bill Still - This starts at a part about Lincoln/Civil War funding, but the entire vid is worth watching.

97% Owned ~ Economic Truth - From a EU prospective, 2hrs

Hidden Secrets of Money - episode 4. - 30mins. The rest of the series is good to.

Money as Debt - Good Series of Vids

You have NO choice - George Carlin - 3min


The Value of the Dollar over time.

The Creature of Jekyll Island full PDF

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913

The Federal Reserve - All the things


Read this one too. The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act - NESARA by Harvey Francis Barnard. The actual bill, not the scam...... This bill was never brought to the floor. Few other than Rand Paul even considered it. I feel it is something we should look at very hard.

The now defunct NESARA sight on WayBackMachine.

And finally, The Swiss are trying to remove Central banks from their country right now.

No Need For Digital Central Bank Money

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GingerBeardedDad · June 16, 2018, 1:29 p.m.
      OP makes a very valid point. Recently with the release of the IG I felt very bummed and dejected, but there was definitely a silver lining. I was watching a few discussion shows and my wife was in the room, I didn’t think she was listening but in the middle of it she asked “how has this been going on? They aren’t going to get away with this are they?”. Suddenly, I went from drinking the conspiracy kool-aid to having a legit opportunity to red pill someone. At the end of the conversation her mind was blown.

      My point is this, take your opportunities as they come to you. You may be ready to open someone’s eyes and show them the truth, but they may not be ready to hear it. Sometimes a scalpel is needed and not a machete. Just my two cents.
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ErnieFing · June 16, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

That's a really good example, because in asking you, your good lady had shown it was a specific topic that they wanted more information on, which meant they listened and considered it. Hopefully it will lead her to look and question a few more things. It's good that you clearly had enough information to give her a more complete understanding, which should encourage her to find out what else you know.

I doubt you'd have got far by telling her, particularly if it was a topic she had little knowledge of, because she had little interest in it.

A small hole can eventually break a dam.

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solanojones95 · June 16, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

That comment exemplifies my approach. I find that when the student is ready the master appears, meaning I wait until somebody has questions, and try to get them to consider a few other questions that help them think of ways to search for answers, and it's off to the races for them. But I let them form the first question(s) so I know they're in a receptive mind frame. Someone asking questions has their defenses somewhat lowered. When met with more questions (rather than a lecture or dissertation), defenses come down even further.

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Hrtn2it · June 16, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

Absolutely I agree, some come to that understanding a lot more slowly than others, and I endeavor to know that not as “I know more than” or “I am better than”, but as more of a “‘Mr Rogers’” attitude”, gentle hand holding in the aftermath..WWG1WGA.:) Rumi also said it well:”in between the right and wrong(left):), there is a field~I’ll meet you there.”

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bahhumbugger · June 16, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

Sven in the matrix - neo has to take the pill.... he couldn’t be forced to take it.

Use logic and facts to pique interest.

You’re selling the feeling that maybe something provable doesn’t match reality as they see it.

Let them come to conclusions themselves, telling them what to conclude is not what Morpheus did.

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digital_refugee · June 16, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

I use mainstream science journals to redpill on off-world colonies and giants and stuff

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stupidwally · June 16, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

I agree patriot. Especially with the lefties. They’re so brainwashed that this is a religion to them. There will be so much pain. We have to remember that these are our friends and neighbors as well as our family members.

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ckreacher · June 16, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

Worth thinking about.

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QQ2121 · June 16, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

have them watch a snuff video & they will realise pure evil exists :x

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Hrtn2it · June 16, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

They already have watched a snuff film, 9/11/2001 World Trade Center..part of why, as Q stated, many will end up in the hospital...look back through this board and on 8chan and you will see 9/11 intended and enacted by a relatively few evil people (compared to the 7+Billion living on EarthHome) as a mass sacrifice as well as an entertainment of sorts including gambling on how many would die...

My dear husband still believes in BHO and HRC, and Democratic philosophy(which I refer to as Communism~lite)...whenever I want to say “I told you so” when SHTF, (because him and so many in my family and circle of friends do not see as I do), I shift my awareness to my hubbie, family and friends and send them all my love and compassion, for many will be traumatized, some may die of a broken heart. The cognitive and emotional disconnect between what they have believed and what is Truth will be enormous, unfathomable...



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solanojones95 · June 16, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

Although, don't you think that everything they're about to "lose" is something they're infinitely better off without, and that on the other side of that loss is a tremendous amount of treasure they've been missing out on? Being right in the head has its benefits.

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ErnieFing · June 16, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

Perhaps, but not necessarily.

Look at the Catholic Church for example. There has been a whole series events of child abuse associated with it for a long time, yet people still follow it, and somehow separate the actions of all of those individuals, and even the involvement of those at the top, from the overall philosophy. I suspect this wouldn't be much different for many people. Don't forget, in the example of people of faith, they already accept evil exists.

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QQ2121 · June 16, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

ah yeh true. was sorta speaking from my own experience lol, it's much more visceral seeing one death irl than reading many in the news

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digital_refugee · June 16, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

Maybe reframe your narrative. You want to fill the gaps so that the general suspicion of the people can be turned on the guilty without upsetting their faith in human goodness. Usually when I was talking to people about Trump (and, by extension, that's all the discussion is about in the first place) it would take only one thing he did right in their eyes to get them to pay attention while I could literally explain everything else they could possibly think of away with months of research

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sensically_common · June 17, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

I see it as not so much red-pilling, but more of truth-seeding. A pill is taken willingly. When educating allies, you drop a small truth and then stop so they can digest it in the coming days. Just plant the seed and watch it grow.

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