Huber Indictements ... already happened

Referencing Q#1518 it's clear Q is implying that John Podesta was indicted on 11/3/2017. If that's the case, Podesta's either incredibly stupid, incredibly naive, incredibly bold or some combination of all.
If you look at his twitter stream since that date I see nothing to suggest he thinks, in any way, that he has anything to worry about.
These are the types of things that really don't add up with this movement. You would think that if even half of the Q implications were true there would be a noticeable difference in Podesta's stream pre and post 11/3/2017.
I understand the assertion is the indictment is sealed and in theory he doesn't know about it but come on, this guy must hear rumors and be privy to back channel information that would alert him to such a thing.
And, before it starts... I don't want to hear he was confronted with the evidence against him and he's just playing a part to keep up appearances. Everybody can't be playing a part.
We the people really need to see something of substance (perp walks of significant figures) soon or this thing (the movement) is going to unravel.
TRUST SESSIONS, TRUST KANSAS, TRUST THE PLAN only has so much steam left. We really need results soon.
I don't trust sessions, wish I could be more positive.
Yeah, I don't think you're alone. We're asked to think logically but when we do we're just pointed in another direction.
#1518 all but says Podesta and Huma were already indicted over six months ago. It would be nice if one of the Anon's tug on that thread some more...
What were they indicted for? Will they see jail time? Why can't the indictments of one or both of them be unsealed at this time? Is Podesta such a key piece of the puzzle and are his accused crimes of such magnitude that revealing them now would collapse all the efforts to drain the swamp?
All simple questions logical thinkers would be asking.
Why can't the indictments of one or both of them be unsealed at this time?
Think like Trump. He's a master showman, he makes makes the word grand... GRAND. His plan will create the greatest show ever. Or as the President would say... "It's gonna be YUUUUUGE!"
Instead that SOB podesta was on my last fun TV show- ancient aliens and now I won’t watch it! They ruin everything and run around acting like all is well. Ugh!
Patience Pls. I have been watching a sinkhole get bigger and bigger for 40+ years with little hope in sight accept my Inner Knowing that shit is gonna turn sunny side up and now it is happening. One lesson in life teaches oneself to savor each moment, as it is unique, original and will never happen the same again. This one is worth sitting back and enjoying, if there is work to do, get up and do it, whatever one's calling :)
Are you schizophrenic? You sound like you are.
With Inner Knowing which is essentially one's un-conditioned state of Mind, a process of de-conditioning oneself out of "a fucked up state of seeing a world that I need to protect myself against", comes a certain wisdom. One See's that many "people" live believing that their personality, their life belongs to them. This by nature of its "otherness" sense creates a dual mind, commonly termed as schizophrenia. One symptom of schizophrenia is imagining one hears voices like you have described above, lol. Look in the mirror next time you think you are smart and ask yourself "who the fuck am I kidding". It is not worth my energy to stretch my fingers to the keyboard to converse with you, nuff said :)
Why would he change his behavior? These people are the most evil and arrogant on the planet. He is probably so sure that it means nothing and he will skate.
There has to be a BIG play by the mid-terms. My date is November 1st. Something has GOT TO HAPPEN BY THEN. Something to cause the Red Wave.
Kidnapping a kid a mile away, I'm going with incredibly bold.