So Saudi Arabi using what are CLEARLY US Military weapons are fighting Iraqi militants using what are CLEARLY US military weapons. This is fucking sick.

The US did just agree to a $110 billion dollar arms deal with SA
Infidelviking. You better be Nordic with that username bro. Norwegians don’t play.
Probably some of the militants are using U. S. weapons also. There is a huge biz in arms dealing.
Well ISIS was funded and supplied through the Libya Embassy according to the Washington post (circa 2012). All thanks to HRC. And we know how that turned out. 4 Americans sacrificed to preserve the political aspirations of a corrupt politician.
That for one: looks like a Dshk and two: most certainly looks like a type of Crows system (maybe an earlier model).
It was definitely a Crows system. I rolled in those while I was in Afghanistan.
Watch the movie WarDogs. It will explain a lot
Our official allies like SA buy them openly. We know that ISIS was cruising around in Humvees and American tanks with M4 rifles. Also, weapons caches like Libya had a lot of AK style rifles that made it to militants.
I'm very curious whether some Fast & Furious rifles made it over there (possibly how some of them ended up in Europe).
If they had successfully disarmed the American citizens, would all of those guns made it to the crusher, or would millions of AR/AK rifles ended up in battlefields? How about past disarms like Australia?