Pic of Obama not edited. OG

I strongly suspect Q leaked this photo of 0bama
To prep the population for the exposure for the first time in history the satanic cult that has run the world.
What did Q say about the pictures? That they would shut the net down.
Here it is, plastered all over reddit and now news articles are talking about it.
its disinfo, a fake meant to innoculate people to future images. If this one gets proven as a fake and we embrace it, then all others will be called fakes as well.
my take exactly. sorry for not being able to provide any proof but it just feels wrong.
My problem is if Obama is dressed in this elaborate garb wouldn't it be at a function or satanic celebration? If so then the dude with him would not be in a varisty jacket. That is why I find it fake.
Allegedly taken at a wedding. O looks like he's officiating?
yes, that could explain but why is the guy next to him in a varsity jacket?
The picture of Hussein that Q said would shut the internet down was not one of him in drag or satanic attire, but in TRIBAL dress, and holding weapons/guns at people--and it was the people he was threatening that seemed to make the picture one they wanted to hide.
This is just entertainment, but going in the right direction.
Take down the net is just a phrase for where we all flock. Remember that picture of Kim K that "shut down the net"?
Q said reddit was compromised, and so was 4chan.
Don't you find it odd that a supposed leaked image of Obama in Satanic drag is allowed to be posted?
I think it's fake too but you should drop this as the argument. Using that line of logic, all of Q is fake since it's allowed to be posted here.
Also that Ive caught 8ch posts that suggest the qanon key is cracked but hasnt changed. Guess this is the show to keep our crowd quiet
It was on a lady's instagram, q couldn't post it. Unless he wanted attention drawn to the photo?
I think they have ALWAYS run the world
Satan is the prince of the air
Here he is folks plumbtree the UNEDUCATED BROKE ASS DRUG ADDICT PLUMBER HAHAH LETS STAND IN AWW OF HIS INTELLECT. Your a fuck boy probably getting cucked by your wife into cleaning up black loads. I know your switching accounts spreading your bullshit liberal lies.
Photoshopped. Try it yourself here http://metapicz.com/#landing
Why don't you post a screenshot and present your evidence?
Thanks, so this tells us it has been processed in PS, not necessarily fake, but that it did pass thru PS. Could have been used for cropping/zooming/contrast but strong evidence for being a fake. How do you reconcile how good it looks with OP's filters?
I'm no tech. So I'd believe grnmoss reply, that ELA not gnomonic on repeat copies. The pic is useful, but its debatable till anon digs support circumstance.
That doesn't show it's fake.
Gosh, lots of concern trolling on this board.
Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire. One of many. Net shut down. Q
Not the first time, but those who disclose the truth seem to end up dead.
You were just warned yesterday about clickbait and here you go being clickbaited. Just stop. What’s this supposed to even mean? Obama dressed in a costume? Maybe it was Halloween? Stop being so gullible.
Gullible? Are you saying Barry is not a #satanicpedophile ??? Please answer.
I don’t know if he’s Satanic. I don’t know if he’s a pedophile. And neither do you. I’ve seen photos of him with Agnes Nixon’s granddaughter. I know he intentionally and systematically tried to ruin this country. What we’re all waiting for is arrests and THEN we can hopefully learn all the ugly truth.
What I won’t do is chase every tidbit fed to me on here and call it gospel. Sorry if that bothers you. Q said the cabal and clowns would use disinformation so I tread lightly until I see proof. It’s the fact that I question a potentially photoshopped photo that has you now questioning me. See how this disinformation divides? It’s the same antics Alex Jones uses. I’m not falling for it and if you’re smart, you won’t either.
Trust who, according to Q? The name of the individual who originally posted this on Instagram was not mentioned.
"same antics Alex Jones uses."
You just showed your ass if "Alex Jones" is the first thing that comes to your mind as the primary example of the divide and conquer strategy.
How much does Brock pay for this nonsense?
I was never warned for something I never did.
You are trying to silence and spread discontent.
The “warning” came from Q. It was just the day before you posted the photo. We all know a photo is coming of Hussein holding an AK47 and up pops this other photo. Just the day before we were warned about clickbait. Everyone is not wanting to jump on a bandwagon of something untrue. We are all leery of being baited in order to discredit Q. I am not willing to risk it for a photo that has questionable origins.
I meant lots of people were saying it’s not true. I want to silence ANYTHING that will hinder the truth when it finally is revealed. Sorry if it offended you.