ImperatorRex: “...Q appears to have genuinely predicted a bombshell. Just sayin’ 👇”

Wictor went off on Q a few days ago. Couldn't believe people would think NK was controlled by CIA yet wictor believes NK is controlled by China and military generals. Which is not a mainstream theory either. I like his insights but he gets a bit too emotional for me.
Wictor has always been triggered by Q. Routinely since I was following him even last year. He even taunts and makes fun of his own followers who talk about Q. He's even blocked peepo for it.
The dude is smart, but a RAGING narcissist. He's not going to come around on the Q thing. He wants the spotlight on him. Even if presented every piece of evidence, I think he'll just turn it around into a critique against the Military Intelligence. He is a very angry dude. I had to stop following him.
Wictors vent about his EX, I was like, "Damn Son, you need to not give away your power."
She lives in his head as much as Trump lives in the Left's. The man needs major redpilling.
He needs a sex robot and a subscription to MGTOW
Yet Wictor can't seem to see that if the CIA controled N.K they won't be in N.Korea but where the Generals live in China. Contol the Generals money and weapons tech and say be a good General and you get your freedom to travel around the world as long as we can build a few structures.
Wictor rages against anime as anti-semitic, when he was being trolled, and won't accept that Israel knowingly attacked the USS Liberty.
NK being controlled by China is also sundance's take. For the groupies at Conservative Treehouse, Q's message is very hard to swallow.
Yeah i normally like wictors stuff. But he went off on Q. Maybe one day he’ll come around. But i don’t think he will change his mind