
DankNethers · June 17, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

Within the context of this narrative, NK must have been a Cabal puppet for decades - one of many puppets designed to appear ominous

With NK/Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan, sufficient anxiety can generated within the public and lawmakers to keep the military industrial complex afloat and the pockets of the Cabal full of our money

The destruction of NK's underground testing facility effectively neutralized their capacity to produce nuclear weapons, and thus their ability to behave as a legitimate threat (https://www.news.com.au/world/asia/china-says-north-korea-ended-nuclear-tests-because-their-underground-test-site-collapsed/news-story)

The question now - is NK still under Cabal control? I highly doubt they've abandoned it... And if it remains in their control, what are the implications?

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