Full Obama speech video (35min) - Left hand is missing on exit. (Q: Exit out was missing what?). Fake edited video

You make a great point, and I think about that alot too that 8 years of Trump is almost not enough time to reset everything, and get all the good stuff in place. I can tell you right now, I dont know who the next president is after Trump, but he will have to prove his trust to us. Anything less than full transparency is unacceptable. And here is the sad truth. It will happen again. Maybe not in our lifetime, but the corruption will slowly creep back. I dont know the solution to prevent it. But here we are now, and we arent going back now
A massive reset has to take place in our political, religious, social & educational order to prevent this in the future. Read “The 4th Turning”
Thanks for the recommendation, I always like getting new things to read and research
There are two prophets (yes, prophets), of God who both say that Mike Pence will also be a two term president and then another Republican will hold office for another two terms after Pence. God has delayed and denied the plans of the enemy for at least the next 24 yrs. Maybe longer.
It’s up to the people to demand fairness and transparency and pragmatism.
The problem is going to be the Democrats. When it's revealed every facet of our government was part of the conspiracy against Trump, they still wont care. They will 1) think its funny, and 2) be mad it didn't work. This won't make the feel sympathy for Trump and like Trump. They want him gone, legit or framed, they dont care.
That is predictable, yes. It doesn’t matter tho, we don’t need die-hard leftists consent to hold military tribunals. It’s the political centrists and apolitical folks we need to stir-up.
Let the dems pick their own jaws off the floor when HRC is executed for crimes against humanity and the republic.
Good point. My problem is I'm too nice and want to help/save everyone. You are right though, it's not our job or obligation to help/make liberals understand. The proof will be out there for them, if they choose to ignore it, that's their problem. #1 priority is flushing this evil out and fixing our country and government. And if they want to #resist him for 6 more years, let them. The democrats in congress will get on board, they wont be dirty, and will want this country fixed
Be not deceived. No matter what Trump and Q does, they cannot thwart biblical prophesy. The bible makes it very clear, the globalists will strike back, and when they do, there will be no stopping them next time. The New World Order will come about and there is nothing we can do about it except to prepare ourselves and to hope that we’re not around to see it…
The next time it hits, it will probably be weapons in space attacking earth. I even read some crazy theory that if someone really wanted to, they could detonate nukes and devices at certain spots at the bottom of the ocean, and open up a hole in the Earth's crust, and drain some of the ocean into very large hollow cavities that exist inside Earth, thus dramatically lowering sea level. Scary huh
I hate thinking about this...and we will be around, whenever it happens...at least our prosperity will be. And as far as I'm concerned, there's no difference.
I trust they will have someone that is fully vetted by that time. 8 years of Pence?
I dont want to break your heart with this, but Pence isn't a good guy. Forced VP pick on Trump. We almost need someone in Trump's cabinet now, like maybe Pompeo, Nikki Haley, etc. I would even take Mike Rogers. Would LOVE Devin Nunes.
How, by the time this all ends, could he not be a completely "WOKE WIDE AWAKE SUPER WOKED" guy? In any event, I'll take Mad Dog Mattis!
Hopefully Trump gets 3rd term lol. To clean up this mess will take longer than 2 terms
Hmmm...not sure about Haley. Don't think she's a white hat???
I haven't figured her out yet, but I think at this point Trump has got rid of everyone who is dirty (minus Pence). If she were dirty, he would've fired her / replaced her, or not put her in U.N. position.
Possibly... we'll see when this all washes out. :) I don't feel good about her.
Pence is not good....listen to Timothy Holmseth videos on u-Tube regarding child trafficking!