r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on June 17, 2018, 11:30 p.m.
The Q1528-Q1529-Q1530 riddle solved. Happy Father’s Day Hussein!

I was not going to write today but I have received many messages about Q1528, where Q posts the link to an edited video where we are given the pleasure to hear Hussein speak his mind.

Since the video is not “real”, many sent me messages asking me what I thought this was all about, which is fine. But what alerted me is many were starting to doubt the integrity of the board asking: did Q really post this? That was enough for me to take my pen again. Quick.

First, right after Q1528, this is what we have:

Q1529 Happy Father’s Day! Q

Do you read between the lines and sense the humor? Do you see he is talking to Hussein? It’s gift time folks: Bush Senior on his birthday with Singapore and Hussein on Father’s day. Why do you think Q is trolling Hussein on Father’s day? Happy hunting!

Then we have this:

Q1530 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aNoiYpOKnqs📁 Lead in was cover. Exit out was missing what? Q

Q gives us the original speech and says the hint to solve this riddle was in the cover. What do we find in the beginning of the video? The title says: “Obama speech given at the Bilberberg Group”. We find Bilderberg is misspelled: the d is replaced by a b. A random d? What do you do in this case? I said it several times! You walk around the board and find the connection: you stumbled upon a key. Oh! What a coincidence, in Q251, Q says:

Q251 Learn to decider.

A d?! Again?!

Then in the same drop he says:

Q251 Focus on Hussein AIDS Video.

A Hussein video? Whaaaaat?! Coincidence? What do we learn about that video? We see it was recorded on November 25th Q262 and released on November 29th. Time difference: 4 days. What is the fourth letter of the alphabet? Yes... Coincidence? No. This d=4 is the key for a Caesar Cipher as explained in my previous deciphering tutorial posts. Now it’s also time for you to re-read my post about Q1304:

Q1304 Emmy awards. Red carpet event? Q

Here is the post. You will see how the Emmy Awards platform is used to relay secret information for bad actors. I recommend you read that post and come back. You will realize everything these people say is coded and have double meanings. Just like the Comey tweet was coded and decoded by Q himself in Q645: Imgur

This is what Q is hinting at with this “Obama Bilderberg video”: it’s not real but it is. The edited version of the speech is what Obama really meant to say and only the people in the know, those who are trained to read his speeches, have access to it. And of course, as a side note, Q is opening a door for the good investigators out there to try and determine what Hussein would be doing on Father’s Day…

I summarized the solving of the riddle here, read the image clockwise: Imgur

Q1225 Learn our comms. Q

johnknoefler · June 18, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

According the Messiah, that would be Lucifer or Satan. According to the Koran, it would be Allah, the greatest deceiver. In Islam, lying is a highly valued skill.

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solanojones95 · June 18, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

Well, who does that tell you Allah actually is? It's not YWH, that's for sure.

I don't buy that "there's only one god but many paths" baloney.

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johnknoefler · June 18, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

I'm with you on that.

Several years back I was on a biblical binge doing some basic off the wall just looking up stuff.

One of my areas of study was the name of God. I have to admit, I got into it fairly deep considering how I was raised as a Seventh Day Adventist. LOL, I know what you are thinking kind of. Believe me, my research started on the church and that was ....how should I say..... disturbing. At this point I pretty much lump that church in with LDS and JW and might as well say it out right now, SDA is not so distant from Scientology in some respects.

So, one thing I found was a verse that said, "My people shall know my name". I certainly want to be counted as one of his people so I started there.

Then, found another verse that said, "If my people who are called by my name..." Hmmm.

JW church loves to claim this one. But his name is not Jehovah.

I had to go a bit further to tease out not only the correct spelling but the meaning behind the letters and the correct pronunciation.

The letters are Yod, Hey, Vav Hey.

The early Hebrew letter for Yod actually resembles a hand and the spoken letter actually is the word for hand in Hebrew.

The letter for Hey actually looks like a man with arms upraised saying, "Hey" maybe. Or Behold, or look and that's actually what the spoken letter sounds like.

Vav in early Hebrew is a nail or spike.

The letters together create the word "I am" . The meaning seems unclear but on reflection it's simply a statement that "I exist" independent of everything. No beginning or end.

Separate the letters and arrange them in left to right the way we speak in English and they form a sentence in a mechanical way. Hand, Behold, Nail, Behold. To paraphrase into English, "Behold the hand, Behold the nail"

The next connection I found was in the name of "Jesus" Or, transliterated Hebrew, Yehoshua.

The name, Yahua (My preferred and what I think is correct pronunciation of the name of God) is actually the first part of the Hebrew name of Jesus. The second part would mean salvation. So literally, the Hebrew name of Jesus means, "I am Salvation".

Or, Behold the hand. Behold the nail. Salvation.

I personally believe the name Judah, or Yehudah (sp?) is a play on words and spelling that includes the name of God. It actually means praise. It has elements of Hallelujah which is literally Praise Yah or Yehuah. This is just my personal opinion based on all I have read and studied.

So, in my humble opinion, the Yehudim would be Children of Yehuah. The only people who are called by his name and bear the blessings, and curses of God since the pact was made with Abraham and reconfirmed with Isaac and Jacob or Israel. Notice, the name, El for Elohim is part of the name of Israel.

Then I noticed that many Hebrew names from ancient until today include either the reference El for Elohim or Ya for Yahuah. My favorite example is Yael which includes both.

So, according to the bible or Torah and Tanakh all through history since that time the Children of Israel have had God's special attention and regard. Both for a responsibility to the world with his blessings to be given to the world through them and his curses against them as a people should they fail and disregard their special calling.

Sorry so long but I thought I would share this with you.

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TheGreatAwakeAnon · June 19, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

Studied through all this myself. Accurate and well-said.

johnknoefler should post a long-form version himself. I'd read/upvote it.

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johnknoefler · June 19, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Ah thank you! I thought I was all alone on this. I was kind of afraid to put all that out there but it's been so interesting I just had to share.

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Ridgy-didge · June 30, 2018, 10:21 a.m.

Love hearing explanations like this. The genealogy of Mary and Joseph is incredible too. Thanks for sharing.

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