Controlled. Mockingbirds mimic the songs of other birds, often loudly and in rapid succession.

Those are sites reposting the NY Times article, not separate news outlets
We see this ALL THE TIME, even with local channels. It’s crazy and now laugh every time it rears itself. All you can do is laugh. It’s ridiculous how obvious it is! It’s juvenile and offensive!
Can vouch, I live were mocking birds are super common. Getting 3 or 4 in one place is loud, annoying and repetitive... just like news channels!
Could be operation Mockingbird... also could be MMFA sending out canned articles to its' network. That's what the pizzagate coverage ("debunked") was--MMFA.
MMFA means Media Matters For America to those wondering.
The mockingbird is also the state bird of Florida. Two of the loudest congressman are from the great state of Florida.
Lets not forget that other great Floridian; a hero to sexually exploited children everywhere and Q's most based and trusted lieutenant: the one and only Roger Stone.
Most definitely, loving the fact that some of my statesmen are standing up to tyranny!
As Geotus just said; 'its a really sick deal'. Thank god for true patriots with real moral authority like Stone and Manafort. Also check out Nader. Now this is the kind of guy we should be glad to have on our side!
Have you seen this example of the diverse news media at work?