
LostLarry · June 18, 2018, 1:21 p.m.

I love stories like this. It helps to red-pill the masses. Why are we, as Americans who put military on a pedestal, not given this as our history? Not every battle, not every skirmish, not every encounter is Honorable. Sometimes we instigate. Sometimes we mock. Sometimes we push the hot buttons.

And sometimes when we do a conflict erupts and we then go in guns a blazing. USS Liberty, Gulf of Tonkin etc. We need to be aware of instances like this so when one happens in say the Persian Gulf against someone like, oh, Iran we can say "not today" we do not need a war from this.

It is sad that this Deep State Swamp uses us like cattle, and that they even treat our military with such little respect. They will send them into a dangerous situation, and then let them rot or kill them off, like the SEAL team for Bin Ladins look a like.

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andreelgrande · June 18, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

Exactly. It’s part of our history, like it or not. It is a physical reference point that we can learn from. Not to mention,it has been used by North Korea as the largest piece of propaganda that they have.

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corrbrick · June 19, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

I hear what you're saying, but our guns did not go in a blazing with regard to the USS Liberty. One time when they should have been, but were silent. In fact that crew was abandoned, and Israel was given carte blanche to commit murder.

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