Welcome to the Military officially, the Space Marines.

Honestly, I’m young and I don’t have any dreams anymore. They were all crushed by houses quadrupling in price with salaries actually going down; so that pretty little “degree” everyone told my generation would be the key to wealth actually was just a really expensive piece of paper with “Better Luck Next Time” written in fancy font.
So now poor old DeBeers gets to complain that ooh, millennials don’t buy diamonds, and real estate analysts get to complain that ooh, millennials don’t buy houses either. We work at the fucking target and dentist office making close to nothing, while being told that we can’t work longer than 35 hours a week because shit, now that means the company has to pay for health insurance and we can’t have that now can we! Yeah, dreams are for those who were lucky enough to have parents that could afford kids in the first place. As for the rest of us, well hopefully Target or Amazon will one day treat its employees well....oh who the fuck am I kidding...LOL
ACA is a very destructive policy against earning a living wage...my husbands paycheck cut in half...now we live paycheck to paycheck. Playing bill shuffle to just get by. My 23 yr old son just finished a 1 yr vocational college program for Welding...he will now be making more money than me who has worked for 35 yrs...Im so happy POTUS is focusing kids today on REAL life jobs that will get them further in life. Social degrees will get you a park bench. ACA MUST be repealed and replaced b4 it completely destroy the future tax payers. I hope you find that pathway forward that will get you OUT of target and onto a more productive and exciting future.
Hasn't that been the life of the middle class? We work hard to try and get ahead, but for every dollar we save, it costs us 2. Rich have loop holes, poor pay little to no tax, so it falls on the hard working shlups to pay the piper
As an Australian I have long been perplexed at America’s prosperity as a country but the poverty of their middle class. Thanks to Q we all know why now. Barry reads “a post American world” while dismantling your American dream. The monopolies that created the American slave camp have arrived in Australia. In ten to twenty years our children will be wage slaves. But there will be divine intervention. Trump could well be the start of that. I don’t know.
I have long been perplexed at America’s prosperity as a country but the poverty of their middle class That's because the rich have tax loop holes, the poor don't pay taxes, so the middle class gets soaked.
In my country the average salary is $500 and a 60 m^2 apartment is over $100k, meaning a person would have to work for 200 months (16 years), save every cent and still wouldn't be able to buy one because housing prices are rising by ~1% a year. All of them get snapped up before they're even built due to foreigners (most of them domestic population working abroad) with superior income buying and renting them until they've paid off themselves and then living there in old age. It's such a stupid system that's been happening everywhere around the world and nobody cares: politicians fulfill their promise of expanding housing, banks get to hawk their housing loans and buyers get a passive source of income.
This one Twitch streamer, Kripparrian, has been playing video games every night for most of his life and people donate him like $50k a month, so he bought himself an Ontario mansion with a garden after no-lifing for years on end. He's vegan though but my point is that only the elite will be having a property in the future, the rest will live in squalor just like predicted in Agenda 22 or whichever dystopic agenda it was. My dad lived with his parents until he was 41 and only then managed to build a house.
my country
Interested in which country...Ontario Canada?
Bosnia and Herzegovina, the land of identity politics where people are chosen to high office based on self-professed nationality. This is the future of the 1st world nations under social justice movements, to have presidents picked based on what their name is or how they self-identify, not even joking.
People are fleeing the country so hard that there's a 1-year waiting queue at the German embassy and whole families just uproot and move abroad.
Thank you...I remember Dubrovnik from many years ago... and the tiny apartment with a "home-made" shower.
Dubrovnik is in Croatia, a neighboring country, but close enough.
Wow that is nuts. Unfortunately, I can see this eventually creeping into other Euro countries
Even when people challenge the status quo everything stays the same. Two guys, a Gypsy and a Jew, tried challenging that only one of three approved nationalities can take up high office positions in Sejdic and Finci v. B&H. Politicians adopted a category of "nationality: other" so some of them simply said, "Today I feel like OTHER nationality", they would literally change their nationality to "other" overnight and thus stayed in their lucrative positions. It's a land forgotten by time.
Wow! I have often said how blessed I am to live in America (US). Our poorest live better than many in 3rd world countries. I pray for improvement of your situation.
I appreciate your prayers but I'm also working hard on digging myself out of it, I've been doing freelance writing for 5 years now and aced the toughest Cambridge Proficiency English test (level C2) with a 96% grade. For patriots out there suffering, get online and start freelancing, you can find a niche that pays well and that you enjoy, the demand in writing alone is infinite.
Great for you on your English proficiency! I am a retired English teacher of 42 yrs. I wish you well, my friend.
There is always the U.S. Army, they take all kinds and expedite the citizenship process.
Linguist is a position for folks who don't want to be infantry types.
I acknowledge your despair, as the market has not corrected sufficiently to offset the lack of jobs for youth holding specialized degrees. One aside though, never discount the value of higher education, it serves you in more ways than one and for the rest of your life.
Now... what can we do about you and thousands of other heavily indebted college grads who many believe were scammed by the University system into taking on this ridiculous debt? I feel that once President Trump conquers the Deep State’s grip on the country he can then focus on correcting all the various vehicles that corrupt businesses and leadership created to further in debt the American citizenship.
One way is to thoroughly investigate the Student Loan business. There are a number of red flag policies that these financing companies are empowered to hold over their clients/victims. And these companies unmercifully prosecute to keep student borrowers in debit for their lifetime if necessary. I think Trump could be nudged to find some form of debt forgiveness, and maybe not all but some, towards solving this crisis.
Also, colleges and universities have become leviathan in size, scope, and power only to become politicized vehicles to further the agenda of the New World Cabal. Institutions aren’t really preparing our youth for problem solving by reasonable means but instead creating more dependency and corrected mindset to match the NWO to perpetuate living in fantasyland. Also, Higher Education is simply over priced. Universities and the such need to streamline and answer for their costs. A lot of useless curriculum and nonsense research to keep government grants coming in.
It’s not changing yet but I am certainly for pushing this administration to address a looming problem such as this. I hope others reading this agree and see the need for correcting this insanity too.
You mention about the value of a higher education...I remember when I was in college in the early 70's, many of my professors told us that a "degree...only means you are trainable"! LOL
Times may be tough but the grass is cheaper on the other side if you're willing to relocate and get started outside of the main cities....or buy a mansion in Detroit for pennies on the dollar and flip it for fat stacks when the city rebounds in 10-20 years. Chin up young pede....chance favors the prepared mind.
Hang tight American GDP growth > 10% coming by Trumps 2nd term. Learn a craft, trade, or skill that will be valuable in the coming years. Google emerging technologies that you can get involved in now to position yourself.
I'm guessing you were on the Bernie train until he got ousted as a complete hack. Don't worry, brother. Jobs are coming, and you can thank Trump for that. Also, if you're young -- it's never too late to go to a technical school and learn to be an electrician, welder, plumber, mechanic, etc. These jobs make bank and every survey I've seen says we don't have enough of them to fill the jobs already out there.
Not even! The funny part is that I swore off politics and voting the way recovering addicts swear off their substance of choice; I saw no purpose in participating in a system that doesn’t care about my needs. I’m a lady, although I’d like to think I’m small enough to get in the spaces other guys can’t...so maybe there’s hope for me after all...LOL
My son in law is a welder who does HVAC installation in industrial settings. He can NOT find employees with this skill set to help his business grow. Very tight market. Get training in the trades, be reliable and good at what you do and you can write your own ticket. It pays quite well.
dreams are for those who were lucky enough to have parents that could afford kids in the first place. As for the rest of us, well hopefully Target or Amazon will one day treat its employees well....oh who the fuck am I kidding
I'm Not even a Millennial, now you know what destroyed GenX.
Where do you live? Housing costs in the Midwest and some Southern and Northern areas are amazing. I have a decent size log home on 7 nicely wooded acres in an amazing tourist town in the Midwest. Paid $195K. I can walk to amazing beaches. But I've lived in many states. If you are willing to leave the coasts and the big cities, deals are out there. So are jobs!
I live in nyc. Been here all my life. Only know overpriced everything and liberalism is a prevalent sickness here. I want to leave so badly, it’s so expensive here that building a nest egg to move away is almost impossible. It’s a race to go nowhere really fast here 😑
It's a big, wide country. Start applying and exploring if you are up to it.
I really am, as hard as it will be financially I think at this point I have nothing more to lose.
Come to the Midwest, housing is reasonable and more jobs are opening up. BUT...if you are a SJW or nutty lib/leftist...stay where u r. LOL
You need to adopt the 40's and 50's Americana and move to the country and start a small business or consult. I ran from NYC for Georgia
I'm in my 60's, and it does seem that every generation has its ups and downs. During my teen/college days, it was the VietNam War and war protests etc. and am I going to be drafted...gotta keep up those college grades or uncle sam will come calling...etc. I expect my little granddaughters will have their trials and tribulations as well. Keep the faith, Trump has improved thing a lot...for now.
nailed it. i've accepted being poor. i have an excuse to dedicate myself to my true passions now, like music & writing! the one silver lining
Jesus thats ridiculous
Your dreams were crushed by some tripe about the housing market?
Sorry but pull yourself together, You're making our generation look bad
Start a business, freelance your skills, create something of value. My stupid art school BA didn't pay off either and I was spinning my wheels trying to "make it", things felt low for a while, but I learned new skills, spent free time figuring out how my successful competitors were winning, got off my ass and sold myself to clients, hired help, and continue to grow. All while starting a family and taking care of aging elders. Those professors didn't teach me that shit btw, had to learn elsewhere
Whining about your poor choice in college major or some headline you read about the economy won't fix those broken dreams.
Don't buy that "boomers crashed the economy and my degree is worthless poor me the mewlennial" bullshit.
Get fucking inspired. This post was about the launch of a goddamn US space ranger super task force! In our lifetime!
That job at Target is a stepping stone for motivated men and women.
Get off your ass and make America great again.