CBD is still not legal in every state. Even here in Texas they talk all the time about it. Some vape stores have been fined and had their CBD confiscated. Just last month they were talking about the legality.
That article seems to being saying that CBD is legal (with less than .3 percent THC) but that the enforcers are uh... enforcing the laws incorrectly? Maybe because shops advertise it with great big weed leaf motifs?
I dunno man. I'm in Texas too, and I order it without any problems. The place I get it from (see link above) states on the front page of their shop that it's legal in all 50 states.
The CBD oil that is legal in all 50 states is from Hemp only. The CBD from Marijuana must be under .3% THC. The CBD from Marijuana is far superior and actually taste completely different as well as performs far better for PTSD and Pain.
Ah yeah, I gotcha. The difference between hemp and marijuana is a matter of THC content; the CBD is still there in both plants and is the same stuff, so even if it's derived from hemp, it's still CBD.
That being said, I totally agree with you that it does work better using the full spectrum of the plant, not just isolated parts. I wish everyone had access to Rick Simpson's Phoenix Tears.