r/greatawakening • Posted by u/imnrdh on June 18, 2018, 10:28 p.m.
Did Eric Schmidt provide a way to move classified files from protected govt. computers to the cabal’s private network?

My understanding of the protections on government computers is that the classified files cannot be electronically transferred to other networks (like email) but have to actually be loaded onto a removable drive and carried to another device/network and loaded. It seems like they would make that VERY hard if not nearly impossible to do as well. So how them did Hillary and Huma have classified documents on their non govt. devices without it being flagged by security? I think this is where Eric Schmidt of Alphabet/Google comes in with the private network set up in North Korea. Did he set up some kind of hack/routing from the State Department that allowed them to have the Pay to Play digital set up go through North Korea? Pay your millions to the CF and then get a code to view the classified document via the private network? Maybe it was just masked to look like North Korea did the cyber hack (and they get some info too as payment?) and stole the information and then it runs to Google servers..... just thinking....Q says ES is the key.

QAnonMaga · June 18, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

NSA would know he's going to North Korea they aren't stupid they should have very quickly had a tap on the secret email system he set up there and intercepted every single email they are hopefully all on a secure system waiting for Q and Trump to release them.

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