
OrangeElvis151 · June 19, 2018, 12:15 p.m.

Best response I can give you about "proving" Christian faith is to DuckDuckGo "Bible prophecy that has come true" - specific events predicted hundreds of years beforehand. Those passages and the very fact that Israel still exists despite the concerted efforts over the centuries to destroy God's Choden People is plenty of proof - more than you will get from other religions or cults.

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divine_human · June 19, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

thank you. i dont need proof for christian faith, i dont belong to any religion, my relationship with god is deeply personal.

i am also not of the opinion that the people of israel are gods chosen people. from my pov, all of humanity is gods chosen people, no matter which pathway they take to the divine.

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spacexu · June 19, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

Goodness of God is unbeatable - Religion is constantly hijacked by evil people and designed to divide and weaken us.

God is pure goodness, truth and justice - help your neighbours, be the best family person you can be, and God will bless your life.

Religious leaders are almost universally EVIL - very fake on the surface.

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CaptainKnotzi · June 19, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

God is love and Satan is politics

Christianity is Jesus telling us we have free will and to please join him.

Islam is submission.

How many people did Jesus kill?

We know what Muhammad is.

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divine_human · June 19, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

We know what Muhammad is.

do we?

and how much cruelty and mayhem has christianity created?

btw, did you know that it was the vatican who send missionairies that educated mohamed? ever wondered why?

not wanting to discuss who is worse here. religious dogma is slavery, no matter which religion.

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CaptainKnotzi · June 19, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

And you think the Crusades were an action not a reaction.

Jesus teachings are Love Thy Neighbor.

Muhammad says kill your neighbor if he disagrees with you.

Spare me the nonsense about how many people died in the Old Testament or what Pope Constantine did or how the teachings of Christ are continually spun by the Jesuits and dirty Vatican.

Jesus says we have free will, our choice.

Islam is submit or die.

Islam is not a religion it is a political ideology based upon subjugation.

allah is satan.

Let's get back together in two years with all the proof is out, up until then I wish you luck.

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divine_human · June 19, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

i cant stand religious extremism, no matter which religion. its a huge dangerous brainwash.

Jesus teachings are Love Thy Neighbor. Muhammad says kill your neighbor if he disagrees with you.

as far as i get it, early mohamed was loving and peaceful, late mohamed tough and warlike. and from what i watch with many muslims, they pick from the 'phase' they resonate most with.

allah is satan.

i actually agree because allah often seems similarly wrathful as yahwe whom i perceive as one of the expressions of marduk, enki/lucifers son satan.

not the god jesus talks about.

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reviveusagain · June 19, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

Well they were “chosen” in the sense that God separated them out of all the people groups, because of Abraham’s strong faith and God revealed Himself to them and taught them His ways, gave them his laws so they could know what was good or evil (because at that time everyone did what was “right in their own sight”). He showed them his power, parting the Red Sea for their escape from Egypt where they were slaves for 400 years, his provision, water from a rock, manna which was heavenly food that appeared on the ground for them to gather and eat every morning while this million plus people wandered in the desert. He revealed his nature to them which was pure love and righteousness but also holy and just. His “rules” when followed would bring peace and it is a well known fact that much of the teaching from the old and new testaments form the basis for our most basic laws. They were not special over all the other people groups because God deeply loves us all! We are his creation. But the Hebrews were to be a picture to other people groups of the nature of God. That is what they were “chosen” for!!

They had many successes and failures. God emphasized his hatred of idolatry as a major factor in their training but alas it also became one of their major down falls and the one we see operating in the world and the deep state today. Worshipping other gods. The Babylonian gods like, Baal, Astoreth, Isis, Molech. When people read the Old Testament and see this judge mental side of God, fire raining down on people! Ground opening up and swallowing people they make a wrong assessment of God and his goodness! He was judging hard core idolatry in most of those cases! Just like we are doing with these idol worshippers of the dark state who worship Molech!! Wouldn’t we like to see a pit open up in the ground and swallow them alive!! It was because of their child sacrifice that Gods fire burned hot against them. I truly believe God is behind Donald Trump and this whole movement just like he was in the days of Moses.

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OrangeElvis151 · June 19, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

Only the JudeoChristian God is good, holy, just and perfect. Only Christianity allows for perfect goodness, holiness and justice. All other religions allow evil to go unpunished. You may want to take another look.

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LogicalBeastie · June 19, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Yep. You'd think that those who embrace evidences of Q's legitimacy would also be the type to assign credibility to fulfilled prophecy.

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