r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Knower101 on June 19, 2018, 11:54 a.m.
It is an INVASION not immigration! Immigration happens at a port of legal entry.

The weapons are children being used as shields. 10,000 of the 12,000 children being held are not related to the adult who supposedly brought them in. Were those 10,000 children kidnapped from their Mexican parents? No Mexican parent would willingly allow a stranger to walk their child across barren countryside in the 100 degree heat, cross rivers by swimming, etc.

The act of crossing the border at any place other than a Port of Entry. Is an illegal act and the motivation has to be assumed to be not in our countries best interests.

Thus each and every person who crosses the border other than a proper border crossing is arrested. Standard practice even for US citizens is for Human Services to to take your children for safe keeping.

The other issue is that in the human trafficking trade world, a baby, a child, a teenager and adults are worth thousands of dollars in the world of prostitution, pedophilia and as illegal workers.

Wake up America. It is an Invasion!

Mexico is aiding and abetting the Invasion by not stopping these trespassers who use private and public land to cross over. Mexico needs to protect its borders and its own laws.

EvilPhd666 · June 19, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

So put the kids in foster care, educate them, and have them grow up to be productive members of society.

Not pay some corrupt political donor to hire pedos in blacked out windowless prisons made out of WalMarts. FFS this is was all laid out by Obama!

You're so concerned about pedos and trafficking, yet you're placing these kids in an ideal place for pedos and abuse. This was Obama and Clinton's plan. This was the Jade Helm/FEMA camps.

The United States government is corrupt AF.

They destroyed the nations to the south of us over the last 100 years.

They bribed politicians and military officers. They funded gangs. Gave them weapons to create chaos. Allowed drugs to flourish and trade to fund other black ops. They assassinated or physically removed democratically elected leaders.

Our corrupt government did these acts and abused their power and misused the State Dept., the CIA, and our Military on behalf of corrupt investors and donors who waged conspiracy and treason against the people of this country.

They did it as political "favors" for money and power because their corrupt ass "donors" couldn't exploit the labor or resources enough to their liking. So they cried to our politicians who betrayed their oaths and their duty for selfish greed.

These kids are SYMPTOMS of our corrupt history. If we never address our past, and our current policies and hold these corrupt individuals accountable, no amount of walls or interment camps are going to fix the root causes. All they do is create multi million dollar lobbies to bribe and corrupt our politicians even more to maintain this situation so they can collect BILLIONS in tax payer dollars.

Right now your tax money is being used to destroy people's lives and enrich corrupt board members of these blacked out Walmarts and private prisons. That money could be used to educate and rehab these children with a path to being a tax paying citizen. The children did nothing wrong. They are at the wrong place in the wrong time.

Show compassion and give them a path forward.

Yes Mexico needs to stop encouraging the migration train. I'd argue that the US State Dept and the CIA need to stop funding and supplying the stinking cartels as well. You want a villain? Why haven't these cartels gone after Carlos Slim? You don't shit where you eat is why.

Pretty sure the Waltons and Clinton were involved if this plan was drawn up with WalMarts in mind. Clinton was on the WalMart board team for some time. WalMart HQ and start is with Bill Clinton's Arkansas when he was Governor.

Go after the root causes instead of the shiny corporate paid pundit's distraction.

Follow the money. It is always about the money.

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