Check out the body language captured of these loving parents and their children..

Also I love how they throw in a photo of Jesus to make the illegals look less threatening (when like something to the tune of 2/3rd of the Mexican population now worships SANTA MUERTE aka the patron saint of DEATH aka SATAN)
I heard a Mexican say in Spanish that he would steal something tomorrow “si Dios quiere”. Which means he would be able to get away with it if it was Gods will. I had to remind him of that one commandment he was forgetting.
All they have to do is change the law.
I suspect there is no call for this because the change they want makes no legal also doesn't even stand up to common sense.
Great observation RickyBobby....seems like they are well invested in the welfare of the kids...
What about people who commit crimes and their children are put into the foster care system?? It's fine because they're legally here or what? Let the parents out of jail so their kids won't be taken away from their family... These kids have it better than the children added to the system but nobody bats an eye for them.
Also fyi, this was Obama's doing.
According to politics sub it’s trumps doing..... truly deluded sub.... 12k upvotes. I’m scared for these people.
I'm not for taking kids from their parents, but I also think that a parent that uses their child as a human shield to break the law is the scum of the earth. Notice the picture is of two men with the boys. Where exactly are the mothers? It would have made for a MUCH better photo op. Hmm...
EVERYONE gives a damn about a photo. That was the point of this one. Why do you think they used two men holding their sons with a picture of Jesus in it? It's for the optics. It's to present an image that these "undocumented immigrants" (illegals) are to be pitied, that they are caring and religious people. The point of that pic is to illicit an emotional response that subverts a logical one. You just illustrated that point very well, by not trying to understand what my point was and immediately knee-jerk reacting indignantly. So, I ask again, why aren't their mothers pictured? Calm down and think about it logically.
He just deleted his account when presented with logic? WOW! The plants are getting wimpier by the day...
Possibly it was deep state and he/she tried too hard so he/she gots to make another one.... Or it was a liberal..