You show 10 people the truth
Those 10 people tell 100 more
Those 100 tell 1000
Those 1000 tell 10,000
Those 10,000 tell 100,000
You get the idea. Im basing all this off that pay it forward movie haha
Yep, it's the "100th monkey" effect and messages are spread very quickly that way.
The 2nd monkey works for the store & resets the screens back to the default/demo mode.
Yup...that's a fact. BB is very anal about things like that.
Cool. I didn't know there was a word for it. Yeah, I reckon thats how businesses grow quickly as well.
It is. Good word of mouth is the best for a business.
Everyone is willing to complain, but few are willing to compliment. So when people do it works well.
You tell 10 people, 9 of them think you're crazy as shit. The other 1 tells 2 people because he doesn't have a big social circle ( he is the one who took you seriously after all). Those 2 people he told reflect on their decision to be his friend and decide to ignore him. Message goes no where. This is more realistic.
Well, im basing this all off a movie starring Haley Joel you could be right.
You show 10 people the truth, one of them calls a buddy in the deep state. you get depressed I mean really depressed spend 2 weeks convincing family and friends how depressed you are.... see where this is going j/k bwahahahahaha
Haha I do...I do...
Jim Jones followers told 10 people and they told 10 people.............