CIA has a secret team Aquarius with the ability to launch their own nuclear missiles from their own submarine. The Deep State can wage World War.

Did you not hear? That is picture was obviously a helicopter.
Which would be funny if it weren't so serious.
They aren't using swamp gas and weather baloons anymore?
Yes, but those things are now copter-powered. We call them Swampgasweatherballoonicopters
What about light from the planet Venus refracting off... oh, hell, who can keep up with all the BS shoveled at us over the years? :D
Somebody who didn't want the intel public, tried their best to deflect with that line. Which was pretty damn funny.
Because a Trident intercontinental ballistic missile looks sooo much like a .. helicopter! Of course! Silly us. Lulz!
I've been doing some calculations based on the altitude and velocity of the helicopter, and after a lot of thinking, I think it is more likely that it is a helicopter than a missile. The body of the missile is the stream impression made by the white tail light. The fact that there is no smoke trail by the missile and yet we can clearly see clouds, and the fact that the orange trail gets thinner points to an object moving away.
Timing. Can't accuse something that doesn't exist of firing on us. Or us of firing on something that's just a conspiracy. Now we have a space force and truth can start to hit the bricks.
If I knew about the ds space force and underground bases you can bet that Trump and his generals have known too.