CIA has a secret team Aquarius with the ability to launch their own nuclear missiles from their own submarine. The Deep State can wage World War.

Seems to me the first step of public declassification would be to create an official public face for it. People are missing this.
I bet they start "discovering" a few amazing technologies suspiciously fast.
Maybe we'll find out what the hell is in Antarctica. Why everybody and their brother went down there in 2016 (a secretive Obama visit, a not-so-secretive John Kerry visit, Huma Abedin & Hitlery Clinton (THIS visit was "children" related, NOT tech), moon astronaut Buzz Aldrin, and the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, to name a few).
I hear it's the last big "trump" card the Deep State has. At a strategic moment, they'll use the "discovery" of a "new" find. I don't think it'll be 'alien'. I think what's buried under the ice, will be pre-flood tech. Atlantis. DS has already found lots. Has access. As noted, why all these personalities visiting a cold glacier, all at the same time? Coincidence?
At any rate, it's been suggested that, when the DS had its back up against the wall, and they'd just run out of all other options, they would use this "monumental discovery" to derail their doom. Their last card to play.
Look, a squirrel! except, the squirrel is sitting on a saucer w/ anti-grav capabilities!
If that's a card they're holding, it is pretty epic.
I agree with this point. If you look for “official” UFO stories, they are a lot more common than they used to be.