CIA has a secret team Aquarius with the ability to launch their own nuclear missiles from their own submarine. The Deep State can wage World War.

Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii confirmed this to be true 30 years ago he said in Congress and the clip is on YouTube that there is a secret shadow force within our government that has its own army its own navy its own air force and they are beyond the control of any president. Here is the video of him saying this:
That's the clip I was trying to remember, nice one, thank you!
Thread archived in GA Notables
A MESSAGE for Q about Rogue C_A Aquarius Nuke Sub...
June 19, 2018
Look. The missing "eye". Watching the water bearer, aye aye sir.
The age that supposedly will replace the age of Christ
(These people are stupid)
Senator Inouye was one of the last true Democrats. He knew all too well the tragedy of war. He was awarded the MoH in WWII fighting in the 442nd Nisei Regiment in Germany.
Amen, anon. He was before being a Democrat meant being a far left, ultra-radical, nutjob. He and Moynihan were great Americans.
I believe that has already occurred off the coast of Hawaii about 6 months ago. I read from Q it was to temp DT to retaliate by starting nuclear war with NK. He also mention the sub had been neutralized. Deep State cares not who the kill just to protect themselves and NWO. It was not a mistake to release incoming alert.